Unreal Cinema Cancels Highly Anticipated ‘Knights Of The Old Republic’ Series


Image Source: Wallpapers Den

It is another sad day for fans of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Very recently Unreal Cinema announced the cancelation of the anticipated fan-made series. Over the years, Unreal Cinema had released trailers and short snip-its from the first episode of the fan-made series but, over the past 12 months, there had been radio silence.

Very recently, a moderator on a Discord server dedicated to fans and supporters of the project announced that the plan is officially canceled, for now at least. The post cited reasons such as the health of the main creator and the work involved in getting something this involved put together. The post did leave open the possibility of a return one day, but for now, that door is closed.


The previous content released by Unreal Cinema was very high quality and showcased just how much work was being put into the project. It was also reported that over 140 people were helping contribute to this project and all on a volunteer basis. While it is certainly disappointing for fans it is understandable that a creator should and must focus on their health when their work becomes too heavy for them to effectively manage.

At this point, the moderators announced that the Discord server for the project will remain updated but that there will be no more official announcements. Hopefully, in the future, there will be better news for fans of Knights of the Old Republic.



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