More Than Just The Skywalker Saga: Knights Of The Old Republic

Knights of the Old Republic

Image Source: StarWarsNewsNet


This installment of “More Than Just the Skywalker Saga” is a little bit different than usual. We normally cover an event documented in Legends and expand it to show how Disney could move past the short timeline of the Skywalker Saga that they're currently caught up in. We've talked about the discovery of the Force, the origins of the Jedi and Sith, and most recently we talked about the Great Hyperspace War. This time, we are looking at the Old Republic, more specifically the time of the Jedi Civil War and the story of Revan. This particular time period is more familiar to the wider public thanks to the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR).

To this day, KOTOR is still regarded as one of the best Star Wars games ever. The first game covers many notable battles of the Old Republic, as well as visiting many familiar planets. Its story could honestly be adapted just as is. While there are a few options in how you play the game, the light side route is likely the best for a series or movie. 


The game began with an amnesiac Republic soldier waking up in the middle of a large battle against the Sith. Ultimately, they were overwhelmed and had to crash-land on the nearby planet of Taris. Here, they must rescue Jedi Sentinel Bastila Shan in the city's underworld. Once they had successfully rescued her, they made their way to the Jedi academy on the planet Dantooine. The protagonist soldier was discovered to be Force-sensitive and, despite his age, was accepted to be trained as a Jedi. After some training and successfully bringing a Padawan back from the dark side, the protagonist was directed by the council to investigate some ruins that he had been seeing in his visions. He would have to travel to Tatooine, Kashyyyk, and Manaan to find pieces of the Star Map that would lead him to the ancient structure known as the Star Forge.

Upon leaving Manaan, the group was pulled aboard a ship and interrogated by Admiral Saul Karath of the Sith forces while he awaited the coming of Darth Malak. Darth Malak then revealed the identity of the protagonist to be none other than Darth Revan, Malak’s master who had been leading the Sith forces against the Republic. Ultimately, Bastila sealed herself with Malak while the others escaped. Revan must then travel to the Sith alien race's homeworld of Korriban to retrieve the final piece of the Star Map. 

Darth Malak

Image Source: Adam Danby

After recovering his memory, Revan and his party made their way to the Sith-controlled Star Forge, but were caught in a disruption field that caused  them to crash on an unknown planet. The planet was inhabited by the Rakata, the ancient race that ruled the galaxy before the Republic. Revan worked with the Rakatans to gain the access to the Temple of the Ancients where the disruption field was coming from. However, he was confronted by Bastila who had been turned to the dark side by Dark Malak. She tried to get him to join her, but Revan defeated her and turned her back to light. Without Bastila’s battle meditation, the Republic forces were able to push back the tide against the Sith forces. 

Image Source: Matt Currie

After fighting through waves of soldiers, Revan and Malak finally had their long drawn-out duel with Revan emerging victorious. The remaining members of the strike team then escaped just in time before the Star Forge was destroyed, preventing the Sith forces from using its power to create an armada. 

What a movie or series that would be. It is such a wonderful story that would be successful. Revan’s story does not end here either as he journeyed into the Unknown Regions. This is just another example in a growing list of all the great untapped parts of the Star Wars universe.



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