Was This 'Star Wars' Character More Useless Than Jar-Jar Binks?
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One of the things many Star Wars fans can agree on is their distaste of Jar-Jar Binks. From his first appearance on The Phantom Menace, Jar-Jar brought annoyance and ire to many viewers. Among many choices the makers of Star Wars made, Jar-Jar Binks was one that should have been given more thought. The original trilogy propelled its characters into pop culture history.
Even characters not in the entire original trilogy cemented their way into the memories of many fans. In Return of the Jedi, Ewoks made a surprising splash. With it, came an animated series based on what their lives on Endor might have been.
Living among the forest moon of Endor is the Sun King. Extremely laid-back and preferring to lay on the Endor beaches with his "dudes", the Sun King made his appearance in the Ewok series episode The Season Specter. Despite being a powerful figure, the Sun King provided little if not any importance to Star Wars. As stated in Geetsly’s YouTube video, the Sun King caused an eternal winter by shirking his responsibilities.
He turned to his siblings, the Leaf Queen and Flower Queen to fix everything, who in turn called the main three Ewok characters to put an end to the eternal winter. The Sun King was seldom seen again and was only indirectly mentioned.
Over the span of nearly four decades, little attention was paid to the potential and continuity of the Ewoks series. Made to appeal to the younger demographic, Ewoks was a departure from the more series undertones Star Wars had been and would utilize in their saga. In essence, the Sun King’s existence and the existence of his siblings was essentially treated as something to be accepted as cannon without any rhyme or reason.
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Prominent Star Wars book author Daniel Wallace wrote in his article, Castaways of Endor, "What of the shamanism and earth-magic that has turned local kingpins into weather-controlling warlocks?" This is believed to refer to the Sun King. After this, the Sun King and his siblings’ existence were all but forgotten. While Jar-Jar’s existence was categorized as unneeded comic relief at best, it can be argued that after the prequels, Jar-Jar’s cannon life was undeserved.
After his stint as Senator of Naboo in Padmé’s place, the Empire superseded the Republic. The Senate, faced with the extent of how far they were manipulated by Emperor Palpatine, stripped Jar-Jar Binks of his title.
When Jar-Jar tried to return to his people in Naboo, he was exiled and threatened with death if he came back. This negated his people accepting him at the end of Phantom Menace for his aid in destroying the Droid army and negotiating peace with Gungans. As a result, Jar-Jar’s means of survival was reduced to that of a street performer.
Image Source: Herald Sun
Though fans did not react to Jar-Jar Binks as George Lucas intended, it cannot be said that Jar-Jar had to make the best of the situation he was dealt.
While a nuisance, Jar-Jar did all he could to bring peace to his people and humans. The same cannot be said for the Sun King, whose priorities were to laze about on the beaches of Endor and shirk his responsibilities onto his siblings even if it put the lives of his people in danger. For better or for worse, it might explain why Jar-Jar Binks has remained a fixture in Star Wars lore and the Sun King faded into obscurity.
Source(s): Aftermath: Empire’s End, Starwars.fandom, YouTube