This Is How The New Republic Won The Battle Of Jakku

Image Source: Battlefront Wiki

The Battle of Jakku is an iconic event in Star Wars lore. It created a graveyard of ships so big it filled a planet, which became one of the main locations in The Force Awakens. It also laid the seeds for the creation of the biggest threat the galaxy has seen since the fall of the Empire. This is a breakdown of the battle played out.

With the death of the Emperor, the Galactic Empire began to collapse heavily as both the New Republic rose to fight the Empire, and as deliberate sabotage by the Empire themselves. The Empire was enacting a Contingency plan by put in place Palpatine in an attempt to rout out unworthy figures in the Empire, which must have meant almost everyone. The worthy ones would disappear into the Unknown Regions of the Galaxy and regroup.


During the final period of the Galactic Civil War, the man in charge of The empire’s war machie was Counselor to the Empire Gallius Rax. Much of Rax’s forces met on Jakku, which the Republic caught wind of and sent a fleet to crush them. This Fleet included their new Battle Hawk cruisers. Upon arrival of the fleet at Jakku; extensive fighting began in and above the planet.

Though outnumbering the Imperial ships, the New Republic had a hard time taking out the Ravager Super Star Destroyer, which was protected by other smaller Star Destroyers. Chipping away at the defensive circle, it took a couple of sacrifices to win the battle.

Concept art for the battle of  Jakku

Image Source: Wookieepedia

One Star Destroyer, panicking at the power of three Battle Hawks, rammed into one of the attacking vessels, destroying it and damaging another. This left a hole in the defensive circle. The damaged ship managed to do some damage to the Ravager, but was largely disabled and began drifting down to Jakku.

Able to convince Admiral Ackbar to destroy the Ravager’s engines with Fighters, the downed ship caught the bigger craft within its tractor beam, taking it down with it. The Imperial forces became disorganized, and New Republic victory became assured. With that, the Empire was finished. Though the plan to “purify” it would lead to the birth of the First Order.



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