Adam Driver Reveals Kylo Ren Arc Was Revamped At The End

Adam Driver speaking at an event.

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The films of the Star Wars sequel trilogy are points of high contention between fan groups. On a recent episode of The Rich Eisen Show, Adam Driver may have provided one group of fans with the validation it deserved when he explained how JJ Abrams drastically changed the initial arc for the character throughout the films. 

“J.J. Abrams walked me through what he wanted to do with the character, but you had to sign up and be like, ‘I’m gonna do it,’ and once I did that, I went to London to star for pre-production. And it’s like, ‘there’s a tiny room down the hall, you can go in there and read the script.’ And so I was reading it for the first time.”


Watch the full appearance on The Rich Eisen Show here:

What Driver describes isn’t unusual for many high-valued intellectual properties such as Star Wars; however, he explains how Ren was initially written to become more entrenched in the ways of the dark side rather than a semi-tragic anti-hero.

“His idea [JJ Abrams] was that [Kylo’s] journey was the opposite journey of Vader, where Vader starts the most confident and the most committed to the dark side. And then by the last movie, he’s the most vulnerable and weak. He wanted to start with the opposite. This character was the most confused and vulnerable, and by the end of the three movies, he would be the most committed to the dark side. I tried to keep that arc in mind, regardless if that wound up not being the journey anyway, because it changed while shooting.”

Controversial director Rian Johnson also came up, with Driver explaining how Johnson continued to push the character in “a different direction,” but “it still tracked with the character.” 

Currently, Adam Driver is on a press tour supporting his latest film Ferrari directed by Michael Mann. Ferrari will release on December 25, 2023.



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