Every Easter Egg From The Finale Of 'Star Wars: Andor'

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Cassian Andor’s origin story in Star Wars: Andor was billed as a spy thriller with loads of tension. But what wasn’t expected were the numerous Easter eggs lurking in the background. Here are five Easter eggs from the season finale of Star Wars: Andor

5. A Block Of Ferrix Brick

Daughters of Ferrix funeral march for Maarva

Image Source: forevergeek

On the planet of Ferrix, every citizen living in Ferrix will eventually be cremated, their ashes getting mixed with clay to make a block of Ferrix brick. Ferrix bricks are much sturdier than standard bricks and are used to build Ferrix up. The people are literally a part of Ferrix. An example of this can be seen when Cassian goes to his father’s Ferrix brick seeking solace. Once the riot on Rix Road begins, Brasso uses Maarva Andor’s brick as a melee weapon to fight the Empire. Maarva Andor’s brick does not crack or break under the pressure of the Empire. 


4. The Emperor’s Shuttle

Different views of the Imperial shuttle

Image Source: devianart

The Lambda-class T-4a shuttle was used by high-ranking Imperial officials such as ISB agents, Doctor Pershing, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Sith Lords, Emperor Palpatine, and Darth Vader. The Lambda T-4a shuttle can be spotted at the beginning of the episode, with Dedra Meero departing for the town of Ferrix. Although, this particular Lambda T-4a shuttle is not the heavily modified one from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. The Emperor’s Lambda T-4a shuttle is unique, with its grey strip down the nose of the ship. Another unique ability that other Lambda T-4 shuttles did not have the Emperors had was an active stealth field. 

3. Nemik’s Use Of Terms Like “Unnatural” And “Try”

Nemik adjusting his starmap

Image Source(s): slashfilm

Cassian Andor decided to keep and listen to Nemik’s manifesto after Nemik’s passing after the Aldhani heist. Nemik begins challenging the very ideology of Jedi Master Yoda by telling Cassian to try. Try to fight the Empire so that freedom, a pure and spontaneous creation, can flourish without a reign of fear and tyranny. Yoda’s famous line in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is “Do, or do not. There is no try.”

Furthermore, Nemik calls out Palpatine’s Sith doctrine by saying the Imperial need to control is unnatural, and that tyranny needs constant effort. Darth Sidious taught this to Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. Afterward, Maarva Andor compares the Galactic Empire to a wound at the center of the galaxy bleeding like rust. Red and blue and light and dark are often used to refer to the light and dark side of the Force. The unnatural wound is Palpatine’s will to use the dark side of the Force to rule his Empire.

2. Imperial Spy-Guy


Image Source: starwars

The Imperial Spy from Star Wars: A New Hope is a long-snooted Kubaz named Garindan and was a small-time information broker in Mos Eisley. This spy followed Obi-Wan, Luke, Han, and Chewie to the Millenium Falcon in Docking Bay 94. The Kubaz are an insectoid species targeted by the Empire to be enslaved, brainwashed, and made into spies. During the riot on Ferrix, a Kubaz can be seen being knocked out and dragged out of the crowd, unlike other human workers. 

1. The Spark Of A Weapon

The Death Star and the lock Cassian helped build for it

Image Source: YouTube

The season finale of Andor begins with Wilmon Paak building a weapon to fight back against the Galactic Empire. Paak likely spent hours making the bomb while a holoprojection of his father, Salman Paak, was on display. However, at the end of the episode, the after-credits scene starts with droids building their weapon against the insurrection. These droids installed the same part Cassian helped build in the Narkina 5 labor prison. These pieces form a lock holding the panels together, later creating the Death Star’s primary laser. 



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