5 Roles Perfect For Giancarlo Esposito In The MCU

Giancarlo Esposito

It appears that Giancarlo Esposito could soon be making his way to the MCU. The actor, probably best known for his role as Gus Fring in Breaking Bad, hinted that he could soon be joining the MCU at the TJH Superhero Car Show & Comic Con in San Antonio, Texas. With that in mind, I consider what would be five roles in the MCU that would be perfect for Esposito.

1. Professor X

We will start with the character that Esposito has stated that he wants to play. In San Antonio, he stated, “I have not worked for Marvel Yet. I’ve been in the room with them and talked to them. So I’m gonna go for something a little bit different. I’m gonna go out and put it out in the universe that I’d like to play Professor X.” Professor X is the founder and sometimes leader of the X-Men. In the Fox Universe, Professor X is played by Patrick Stewart and James McAvoy. 


2. Doctor Doom

Doctor Doom

With the introduction of the Fantastic Four into the MCU, Doctor Doom will likely be making an appearance. Doom would undoubtedly be a compelling character for Esposito to play because of his potential in the Fantastic Four and the future Avengers films. 

3. Magneto

Magneto is the second x-men character on this list and would be an interesting character for Esposito to play. Magneto is the type of villain that can cause chaos, but there is a reason behind his rage, which suits Esposito’s skill set very well. 

4. Silver Surfer

The Silver Surfer would be a fascinating role for Esposito. With the Silver not being an actual human, he would likely be majority CGI. With that said, even Esposito doing voice work would be fascinating to see. 

5. Mephisto

Despite all the rumors of Mephisto being the villain behind the events of WandaVision, Mephisto has still not made his way into the MCU. Over the years, Esposito has made his name playing villains, and he would definitely make for an imposing Mephisto. 


Source(s): IGN

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