10 Marvel Characters Who Had Cameos In The 90s X-Men Cartoon

Full disclosure, the idea to write an article about the 90s X-Men series was predominantly pitched so that I could rewatch it. It’s been said before, and it will no doubt be said again, but it bears repeating. That theme tune SLAPS. However, upon my re-watch, I realized that the show was actually the MCU before the MCU was a twinkle in Kevin Feige’s eye.

Below is a list of just ten of the heroes who appeared in this seminal classic The list goes on, but I got too distracted by the theme tune.

Nah,nah,nah,nah,nah, na….damnit!


Spider-Man in X-Men

Web-Head obviously had his own show and was selling merch by the truckload. Of course, the show’s creators jumped at the chance to include our boy, Peter. Strangely though, this was only for a quick cameo helping save civilians – as a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man should do. This was a bit rude of Spidey, as the X-Men helped him stop becoming Man-Spider. Probably a bit grossed out to let him do much else.


Captain America 

Captain American with Wolverine in X-Men

The first Avenger appeared in an extended cameo in one of the (many) flashbacks to Wolverine's mysterious past life. Together they had a wartime adventure across the Western front, saving the world from Nazis and having a bit of a punch-up with the Red Skull. Just don’t look too closely at the animation style.

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider in X-Men

Bit of a left field appearance here, especially since the Penance Stare doesn’t usually go down well with the pre-teen audience on a Saturday morning. Oh wait...it was from Gambit's past? Yeah, that makes sense now.


Robot Hulk in X-Men

Well...robot Hulk...but still. Hopefully, Bruce got some royalties from the use of his likeness. You wouldn’t like him when he’s litigious.

Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange in X-Men

A regular in a number of Marvel cartoons around this time. He appears to help out the X-Gang during the Dark Phoenix Saga (no, this one’s good, honest!) If the planet is going to get eaten by a giant Space bird, you really do want a guy with a beard and a cloak on your side.

Ms. Marvel

Ms. Marvel in X-Men

Carol Danvers is a bit of a darker entry here. She gets in a particularly rough battle with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutant’s new protégé, Rogue, who ends up stealing some of her powers. Carol then spends a number of years in a coma, with no name, no identity, and no consciousness, because it was off having psychic adventures in Rogue’s mind. Man, I love comics.

Nick Fury

Nick Fury in X-Men

Despite there not really being a S.H.I.E.L.D. in this universe, we see the full Hasselhoff version of Fury when Bishop goes through his dancing through the timeline phase, kicking it with War-Machine as well, no less.


Thor in X-Men

An honorable mention from the Dark Phoenix Saga. We see Thor, or more accurately Mjolnir, react very strongly when Jean as the Phoenix Force flies off Earth to go on an intergalactic buffet. Quite right, sentient hammer, quite right.

Black Panther

Black Panther in X-Men

Sheer wasted opportunity here, in my opinion. He is basically an Easter egg, having a quick peek at Magneto’s house party in Asteroid M…., and then is never mentioned or seen again. In fact, it might just be a cosplayer. Cool cape, mind you.

Deadpool...Kind Of

Morph as Deadpool in X-Men

Ok, so it’s not our favorite Merc with a Mouth. Morph turns into him in the first series as part of his quick-change section in the mine...but I just want more Deadpool news, so I wanted to mention him here. Manifesting! 

Professor X using his power

MCU is the most ambitious crossover event ever? Mutant, please.

Also, the theme tune still slaps



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