Move Over World Cup: Top 7 Contests in Marvel Universe

Comic book art of numberous Marvel heroes, on two opposing sides.

Image Source: GamesRadar

The World Cup has officially kicked off at long last to literally tens of fans. After delays, controversies, and speculation of rampant corruption, it is safe to say that a lot of fans of grand tournaments are looking elsewhere this year for their fix. Fortunately, over it’s long and storied history, Marvel has provided its readers and viewers with a range of contests, tournaments, and championships. Let’s look at a few of them.

7. Tournament of Titans

Comic book image: Olympian-looking men running towards Odin.

Image Source: Marvel Fandom

After living for Millennia, we can imagine Odin gets a bit bored. So, he calls the “Tournament of Titans“ to order. Ostensibly this is to choose the next Champion of Asgard—but he probably just needs something to do during the days.
Naturally Loki wasn’t invited, so he has to ruin things by turning up in The Destroyer Armor. Classic Loki.


6. Contest of Champions

Comic book cover: "Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions"

Image Source: Marvel Fandom

While most of us may have heard of the Contest of Champions from banner ads, this hugely successful Marvel game was actually loosely based on the limited series with the same name from the 80’s. It features the Grandmaster and Death choosing their favorite heroes to fight each other over the “Golden Globe of Life”. So far, so 80’s comic book. What is just as notable, though, is that this was actually Marvel’s first ever limited series run, and arguably brought to the mainstream the idea of “crossover events” that has been a staple of every young person’s bedroom for years!

5. Avengers Arena

Comic art: black-and-white photo of characters in suits, with some crossed out in red marker.

Image Source: IGN

Take a mix of characters that Marvel kind of didn’t really care about anymore. Add in a splash of these Hunger Games novels that were coming out. Mix it all together with a comic creator known for specializing in stories about the challenges of growing up. Wrap it up in the new and “exciting” Marvel Now Launch. Boom! Avengers Arena: teenage Superhero Battle Royale.

4. MojoWorld

Animated image of the green-skinned ruler of MojoWorld.

Image Source: Comicbook.Com

Mojoworld is an odd one in that it’s not so much an event, as it is an entire species culture and way of life. The ruler of Mojoworld has a responsibility to produce movies, tv shows, and other entertainment to keep their people in a state of constant entertainment. If some of these become a bit bloody? Well, it’s always good for the ratings when you look like this.

3. Sakaar Gladiatorial Arena

MCU image of the Sakaar skyline.

Image Source: MCU Fandom

Movie version? Good!
Comic version? Gooood!
Surrounding mythos and World War Hulk? Goooooooood!
Seeing Hulk and a bunch of proper warrior creatures fight, love, and loss? Perfect.

2. The Secret War

Two Marvel comic book covers, both titled "Secret Wars" and featuring different Marvel characters.

Image Source: Hobby Consolas

The O.G. Probably the most famous tournament-style event in Comic History. The Beyonder brings Earth’s greatest heroes AND mightiest villains and makes them fight—simply because he wants to see who would win.
That is a man we can Stan! Oh, and this is where the black Spider-man suit came from, so extra points.

1. Tournament of the Heavenly Cities

Comic art: Iron Fist surrounded by other Marvel characters in combat positions.

Image Source: Comic Vine

Do you know Tekken?
Yeah, it’s Tekken. But in Marvel.
And it’s amazing.



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