15 Examples Of PURR-fect Employees In The Real World

Image Source: IGN

Everyone knew cats could be beloved pets, but who knew they could also have jobs? Whether as pest controllers, station masters, or police constables, the following are some PURR-fect examples of feline employees.

15. Aura


Image Source: TinyKittens Society

Aura is a resident of TinyKittens Society, a cat rescue in Fort Langley, British Columbia. She was born to a feral mother at TinyKittens, and had surgery in life to fix a cleft palate. She functions as an Early Kittenhood Educator, support kitty, and hairstylist. Her love language was wet willies when she was a kitten!


14. DJ


Image Source: Facebook

DJ, or Dirt Junior, does his best patrolling from the high ground! A successor to the first Dirt, he has been the Nevada Northern Railway Museum shop cat since early 2023.

13. Dude


Image Source: Facebook

Dude is quite the pampered kitty! Rescued at the Delaware Museum of Nature and Science in 2009, this creamsicle feline has full run of the place and is his own living exhibit. His merch includes a book series, t-shirts, and more!

12. Felix

Image Source: Facebook

Felix has an ongoing rivalry with Percy the Pigeon! This long-haired tuxedo cat began her work as a pest controller at the UK’s Huddersfield railway station at only nine weeks of age.

11. Friar John Claw

Image Source: The Scotsman

This cat likes to dodge the hard work! Friar John Claw, or FJC, is one of two resident cats at Lindores Abbey Distillery in Scotland. Rather than take part in back-of-house duties, like catching grain-chomping mice, FJC prefers hanging out at the front, either in the visitor center or preening on top of a cask of single-malt scotch whisky. He has gained popularity after appearing in the Netflix documentary Inside the Mind of a Cat.

10. George

Image Source: Twitter

George is the resident mouser at the UK’s Stourbridge Junction railway station. He has his own employee badge, a salary consisting of food/treats/affection, and his own fan-generated merchandise. A local brewery even named a beverage after him!

9. Gladstone

Image Source: Wikipedia

Formerly known as Timmy, Gladstone is Chief Mouser to the UK Treasury, and lives at the Treasury building in London. He made his first catch within 48 hours of starting his job, and racked up a total of six catches in his first three months.

8. Jorts

Image Source: In These Times

Jorts has not had a trash can mishap since late January! This orange tabby became famous due to a Reddit post about training and perpetuating ginger stereotypes. He has since become an advocate for human and labor rights via his Twitter account.

7. Larry

Image Source: Wikipedia

Serving since 2011, Larry the tabby cat is an actual civil servant and the first to officially be given the title of Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office. His official duties include rodent-catching, guest-greeting, security inspections, and nap testing. October 2013 was his most successful month to date as he dispatched a total of four rodents within a two-week period that month.

6. Lemonade

Image Source: Facebook

Lemonade is the pub cat at the Crown Pub in Cornwall, UK. She can often be found laid out on a table, inviting customers to come in and try some local libations! She may or may not be known to locals for occasionally causing a ruckus outdoors. (She refuses to comment.)

5. Nitama

Image Source: CNN

Nitama was rescued from under a train car! Working as a station cat since 2012, she first served as an apprentice to the first Tama. She is often drawn as endearingly fluffy by artists for promotional materials.

4. Oliver

Oliver is the Director of Office Morale at a New Mexico legal firm and currently works remotely from outside Chicago. He shares his duties with Marshmallow, a one-eyed Siamese who likes to sing the song of her people. Both cats work very well for staff and client morale and will gladly accept scritches or treats as payment.

3. Oscar

Image Source: Twitter

This black and white kitty lives at the UK’s Holmfirth police station and is an official police constable. His duties include catching mice, community outreach, and boosting morale. His colleagues have a dedicated Oscar group chat!

2. Rolf

Image Source: Twitter

Rolf is an expert at on-campus breaking and entering! This black Savannah cat has been recognized as the “campus cat” of the UK’s University of Warwick after a long period of regular visits.

1. Tater


Image Source: Facebook

Tater has a thing for budgies! He was brought into Pol Veterinary Services as a stray with a trap around his leg that was subsequently removed (along with the leg). Since then, the tri-pawed kitty has lived at the clinic, sleeping on furniture, roaming the clinic, and interacting with clients.



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