A New Trailer For A24’s ‘Pearl’ Is Horror At Its Best

Mia Goth in Pearl. Bloody hands on each side of her face

A24 has continuously made waves as one of the best studios currently working in Hollywood. With each work they’ve produced, they’ve only garnered more critical acclaim, even gaining a new deal with HBO Max. Their new feature, Pearl, looks to continue that trend with a look into the mentality of a sheltered girl in a small rural town in the early 1900s as the film industry begins its rise and the main character, Pearl, wants to become a star of the moving pictures. She may appear sweet and innocent to onlookers, but from her own words, “truth is I’m not really a good person.” Her truth is, she’ll do anything, absolutely anything, to move beyond the life she’s been raised in order to rise above her status quo. 

The trailer begins with a bleak look into Pearl’s life. Though she is young, the burden of her family is already weighing heavily upon her. The man who appears to be her father is disabled and under her care, and her mother is highly critical of any pursuits she may have beyond leaving the family farm “again.” Immediately, viewers are met with a ghastly scene as she attempts to feed her father to an alligator… Later scenes in the trailer show that this was probably successful. As the trailer rises in intensity, so does her pursuit of stardom. It looks as though she has befriended a man who can get her to the top, showing her snuff films and assuring her that it will be legal one day. Whether or not the following scenes may occur in her mind are unknown, yet the audience is also shown her starring in dancing scenes on the big screen and cheered on by the audience. The shock is only doubled down as scenes of her with bloody hands, caressing and abusing the animals, and murderous rampages are shown. At first glance, this trailer already shows a troubling story, but as it continues, only more disturbing scenes show that this girl will stop at nothing in her pursuit of stardom. 



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