‘The Legend Of Vox Machina’ Season 2 Episodes 7-9 Review

Vox Machina

Image Source: IGN


Every episode of Season 2 of The Legend of Vox Machina keeps getting better and better each week. This week, the party was separated, with half of Vox Machina in the Fey Realm, and the other half remaining in Tal’Dorei. In order to get the Vestiges of Divergence needed to defeat the Chroma Conclave, Vox Machina each has to deal with their own inner demons, which is easier said than done, and these powerful artifacts sure do not make it easy for them either. The episodes this week would flip between the point-of-view of each group.

Episode 7 started off in the Fey Realm. Keyleth tried her best to teleport the group, but only succeeded in teleporting herself, Percy, Vex, and Vax to the Fey Realm. The Fey Realm, by the way, was absolutely gorgeous, full of colors, and made you feel like you are on an acid trip. The group met a creature name Garmelie, who is voiced by Pippin himself, Billy Boyd. Garmelie led the group to Syngorn, the home of Vex and Vax, and their estranged father. 


While the city of Syngorn held bad memories for the twins, it was absolutely gorgeous. The city was transported to the Fey Realm after the attack on Emon. The twins sought an audience with their father, and they met their adorable half-sister Velora. Their father was not kind to the party, especially to the twins. Before they left, Percy stood up for Vex, which she greatly appreciated.

Back in Tal’Dorei, Pike healed herself and forgave Grog for injuring her. She and Scanlon convinced Grog to break his evil sword, but doing so caused Grog to lose his muscles. After a very fun travel montage, accompanied by a country-sounding song sung by Ashley Johnson and Sam Reigel, they arrived at a home with which Pike was very familiar. They were greeted by her great, great-grandfather (voiced by Henry Winkler). He created a pill to help clear Grog’s mind of the sword's influence (with an interesting route of administration). However, in order for him to regain his muscles back, he would need to do something to trigger their growth. 

Pike's great-great-grandfather helping Grog as Scanlon and Pike look on

Image Source: Variety

As Vex, Vax, Keyleth, and Percey journey deeper into the Fey Realm, they come across the Shademark, a dark, and depressing place, much different from what we have seen. Vex became entranced by a mysterious voice and decided to follow it. She ended up in a tree, where the voice promised the affection she always craved. The voice belonged to a cursed Archfey named Saunder who was in possession of the Vestiges of Divergence, the bow Fenthras. 

Vex snapped out of the trance right as the trees turned on them. Keyleth used her fire ashari powers to defeat the trees while Vex defeated Saunder. In the end. Garmelie returned and decided to create a portal for the group to travel back to Tal’Dorei. Once they were through, Garmelie dropped the disguise, revealing himself to be an Archfey (that fans of Critical Role would recognize as Artagan).

Vex fights the cursed Archfey Saunder

Image Source: Tumblr

We now returned to Grog, Pike, and Scanlan as the final episode of the three gave us more insight into Grog’s backstory when he was part of the group of marauding goliaths named Herd of Storms. During one of their raids, he met Pike’s great-great-grandfather. Grog’s decision to spare his life angered his uncle Kevdak, the leader of Herd of Storms. Kevdak beat Grog using the gauntlets known as Titantstone Knuckles (another Vestige of Divergence), and left him for dead. A younger Pike and her great-great-grandfather returned and rescued him. Back to the present, Grog decided he needed to face his fears and challenge his uncle.

So far, Season 2 depicted Vox Machina’s deepest fears and past traumas. Scanlan had to face his worry of never being loved, and Vex had to face her fear of never being good enough for her father. Now it’s Grog’s turn. This season also has the right amount of humor, fighting, and friendship, laced with trauma. With only three episodes left for this season, it does not look like Vox Machina will be fighting the dragons of the Chroma Conclave anytime soon. However, if they manage to get all the Vestiges, they would have a pretty good shot against the terrifying dragons. I can’t wait to see Grog get his strength back, and overcome his fear. Next Thursday cannot come soon enough.

New episodes of The Legend of Vox Machina Season 2 drop every Thursday on Amazon Prime Video.

Rating: 9/10 



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