The Best 'Star Wars' Creatures To Have As Pets

Since the dawn of civilization, mankind has made a habit of domesticating the wild animals that we share our world with. In the beginning this was largely done as a means of survival but, as time went on, we began to take in these animals as companions. The same can be said for the inhabitants of a galaxy far, far away. There’s no shortage of bizarre fauna in the Star Wars galaxy, and while many of these creatures would be quick to make a meal out of you, there are those that were domesticated as pets. They may serve the same role as a dog or a cat, but that’s about where the similarities end. Nevertheless, these are a few of the creatures that would make a welcome addition to any Star Wars family.

The Loth Cat

A member of the Tooka family of felines, this small cat like creature was a common site on the grassy plains of the planet Lothal. They were nimble and agile predators that fed on the loth rats that shared the fields with them. A solitary hunter, the loth cat was wary of other creatures. This made the task of domesticating them difficult, but not impossible. A temperamental cat is hardly an oddity on Earth, so with dedicated training these felines could serve as capable hunting companions, or great house pets. Just be sure to stock up on Loth litter.

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The Puffer Pig

While a dog or a cat is certainly the more common choice in an animal companion, many people prefer the company of pigs. The Star Wars porcine counterpart takes the form of the puffer pig. These docile creatures were prized among miners and smugglers due to their impressive sense of smell. Like real world pigs sniffing for truffles, puffer pigs were able to suss out the location of valuable minerals with accuracy said to rival even the most sophisticated scanners. Just be sure not to startle it, lest you learn how they earned the name puffer pig. They’re notorious for their ability to inflate their bodies whenever they feel threatened. But at the end of the day, it’s hard to beat a pet than can keep you company and even help you turn a profit.

The Kowakian Monkey Lizard

These devious little gremlins are notorious for their popularity amongst the criminal elements in Star Wars. Despite their name, these small creatures are considered reptiles. The monkey part of their name was due to their slightly simian appearance as well as their penchant for mischief. They possessed a semi-sentient level of intelligence and were often considered more of a partner than a pet. They’re definitely not for the novice pet enthusiast, but sometimes that’s part of the fun. With proper training and plenty of patience, you could have a pet that would be the talk of the town. Just don’t expect it all to be positive.

The Massiff

On earth, dogs are often trained to serve alongside military and law enforcement. This skill set also carries over to the civilian sector, where dogs serve on guard duty and protect their homes. In the Star Wars galaxy, this role is often filled by the imposing massiff. These armored reptiles lived on barren desert worlds like Tattooine and Geonosis but were often taken off-world to serve guards and trackers for military and criminal gangs. Their most famous owners were none other than the Tusken Raiders of Tattooine, these beasts were a common sight in Tusken camps and shared many qualities with their masters. Both were feared for their savagery and menacing appearance, but, as we see in The Mandalorian, both beings prove they can be powerful allies if given the chance.

The Voorpak

So far the creatures on this list have possessed a passing resemblance to real world animal companions, but the Voorpak is another beast entirely. These little furballs roamed the mountains of their native worlds with the aid of their six legs. Prized for their fur, they were often taken as pets to cuddle with, and their small size meant they were easy to manage and care for. These qualities made them popular amongst the aristocracy of Naboo as well as many other ruling families. It’s certainly an oddity, but with such a cute fuzzy face and docile demeanor, it’s hard to imagine a better pet.

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