Top 10 Wackiest Concepts For Star Wars Disney+ Series

On November 12th, the internet will be celebrating Disney Plus Day, a day that may come with exciting announcements about upcoming content on the streaming service. While we have no official confirmation that there will be any big Star Wars reveals, last November had almost too many Star Wars announcements to count, including confirmation of Ahsoka, Lando, The Acolyte, Star Wars Visions, and more. Ahead of Disney Plus Day, here are our 10 most off-the-wall predictions for future Star Wars series, for science purposes.

#10 - Death Troopers

We are not sure if this one is wacky or just downright cool. Our first concept is a Disney+ series based on Joe Shreiber's 2009 horror novel Death Troopers. Check out the terrifying plot of this book and tell us this wouldn't be an amazing show.

When the Imperial prison barge Purge—temporary home to five hundred of the galaxy's most ruthless killers, rebels, scoundrels and thieves—breaks down in a distant, uninhabited part of space, its only hope seems to lie with a Star Destroyer found drifting, derelict, and seemingly abandoned. But when a boarding party is sent to scavenge for parts, only half of them come back—bringing with them a horrific disease so lethal that within hours, nearly all aboard the Purge will die in ways too hideous to imagine.

And death is only the beginning.

The Purge's half-dozen survivors—two teenage brothers, a sadistic captain of the guards, a couple of rogue smugglers and the chief medical officer, the lone woman on board—will do whatever it takes to stay alive. But nothing can prepare them for what lies waiting on board the Star Destroyer amid its vast creaking emptiness that isn't really empty at all. For the dead are rising, soulless, unstoppable, and unspeakably hungry.

With the popularity of zombie shows like The Walking Dead, Death Troopers actually could be fairly successful on the streaming service.

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#9 - Mouse Droid

Okay, so hear us out on this one. Imagine Star Wars, with all of its lightsabers and blasters and existential moments, all the things you fell in love with, BUT, with one giant, or should we say tiny twist; it's all from the perspective of a mouse droid. That was the concept brilliantly put forth in the short story Of MSE-6 and Men written by Glen Weldon in the anthology book From a Certain Point of View. The writing was exceptional and reading the story, one could not help but visualize what a series could look like. The shots could get so creative and different, reminiscent of Rian Johnson's infamous episode of Breaking Bad; The Fly.

#8 - The Mandalore Rain

Get your tissues out for this one. If you have ever heard High Adventure's parody of Mandolin Rain; Mandalore Rain, you know the depths of emotion that can be extracted from the tragic romance of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Duchess Satine Kryze. The perfect plot for a sappy, tear-jerker of a Star Wars series on Disney+ that could pair with the officially announced Kenobi to show another side of the Negotiator.

#7 - Snootles: A Star Wars Song

Does this one need any more description beyond the title? A roaring musical about the life of the galaxy's most iconic diva, the Space Queen of Soul, the Galactic Empress of Pop, Sy "Sweet Lips" Snootles. This comedic, romantic, and sultry series chronicles the rise and fall of Sy, her relationships with band mates including the magnificent Max Rebo, and the inside look at the dark corners of Jabba's lair. This show will entertain the old and be on constant replay with the young. The Apple Music charts won't see it coming.

#6 - Galactic Creature Feature

A monster of the week mini-series, debuting every Wednesday night, the whole family will gather together to watch Galactic Creature Feature, which will catapult the viewer into a unique, stand-alone story featuring one of Star Wars' iconic monsters. Terrifying villains will include rancors, zillo beasts, wampas, space slugs, and that bigger fish that's always out there.

#5 - The Gascon Adventures

It started as a zany April Fools joke almost a decade ago, and now it's a sensation sweeping Star Wars Nation. Follow Colonel Meebur Gascon's hijinks and hilarity as his small stature traverses a big galaxy, in Star Wars: The Gascon Adventures. This flagship series features the diminutive, toad-like colonel, voiced through his courageous endeavors and existential musings by the ever-talented Stephen Stanton.

Accompanied often by the intrepid D-Squad, Gascon is the corner stone of a series featuring the breathtaking animation of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. This series sells itself, we honestly have no idea why it hasn't been made yet.

#4 - Babu and the Big World

HEY HEY!!! There is far too little Star Wars sequel trilogy related content on Disney+, but all of this can be remedied with a sprawling series cataloging the shenanigans of Star Wars' tiniest character with the biggest fanbase, the beloved Babu Frik. To not make this show would be a travesty. It's fun, it's funny, it's an all around good time, and it provides the opportunity to finally catch up on our sequel heroes like Rey, Finn, Poe, and Rose, all from the unique perspective of Babu, as he navigates the big post-First Order world.

#3 - Jar Jar's Great Adventure

It may have originally just been a snarky code name for Attack of the Clones, but it lives on as one of the most solid contenders for wacky Star Wars series on Disney+. Jar Jar's Great Adventure is a behemoth of a show, tent-poled by the unmatched comedic genius of the great Ahmed Best. But this series is not all trips and giggles. Quickly we are drawn into a vast gungan conspiracy, leading to the most shocking reveal in Star Wars since "No, I am your father." Is Jar Jar just a clumsy fool with a heart of gold, or does something far more sinister lurk behind those bean stalk eyes? You'll have to watch the Great Adventure to find out! Let the curiosity flow through you. Good... good...

#2 - Jaxxon the Space Bunny

Imagine this press release:

Coming THIS SPRING to a streaming device near you, it's time to hop back into the Star Wars galaxy with a bouncing adventure, featuring your favorite bushy-tailed space bunny. Announcing an original Disney+ series, JAXXON THE SPACE BUNNY, from the creators of the critically acclaimed Peter Rabbit. Follow Jaxxon's journey through space, as he fends off fantastic foes, with the help of some of his favorite friends. Learn life lessons and join the journey THIS SPRING, only on Disney+.

Now tell us you don't want this in your life. It's okay. We want it too.

#1 - George Lucas's Midi-chlorians

And now, for the pièce de résistance, the main event, the big game, the show to end all shows. It has been widely circulated that one major plot in George Lucas's version of the sequel trilogy would be about midi-chlorians and the microscopic intrigue of creatures called "The Whills". JJ Abrams may have thrown out these ideas when he sat down to add his touches to Episode 7, but George's vision lives on in the stunning and mind-bending series Midi-chlorians on Disney+. Finally, we will get the pay-off we've been waiting for since 1999 when the science of the Force was first introduced to us in The Phantom Menace. And it's not a stretch to assume this show also will tie into the Mortis and Yoda episodes of The Clone Wars series, which dealt extensively with the mysticism and mechanics of the Force. Every question will be answered, every plot hole will be filled, George Lucas's Midi-chlorians is a Star Wars series a generation has long awaited. You know you want it. We know we want it. It's your move Disney.

Which of these wacky concepts do you want to see immortalized on the small screen? Let us know in the social media comments and replies. Maybe something will trend. Maybe you'll get what you asked for. It wouldn't be the first time.

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