Michael Dougherty Gives New Details On The Long-Awaited 'Trick 'r Treat' Sequel

Image source: IGN

The sleeper hit horror anthology film Trick ‘r Treat may just be the best pure Halloween film ever made. With a star-studded cast, consistently great segments, and October 31st dripping from every frame, the movie has gone on to be one of the staples of the season, with its little monster mascot Sam easily earning his place in the pantheon of horror icons.

With all of that, it’s no wonder that people have been asking for a sequel since the original film came out in 2007, and while no such sequel has been 100% greenlit yet, director Michael Dougherty has said that he is officially developing a sequel film.


So far very few details have been revealed, but what Dougherty has said is that this time, Sam will run into a few more problems than before. He’s said "The working title is Trick ‘r Treat 2, and we came up with a proper nemesis for Sam that would give Brian Cox a run for his money."

This is an interesting development, given that in the segment in the original film featuring Sam most prominently, Brian Cox does get a few licks in, to very little effect. Sam survived several direct shotgun blasts with no real damage, so the idea that he’ll come up against someone in the sequel who might cause him a little trouble is interesting.

It will be quite some time until we see what exactly the filmmakers have in mind, however, as the film hasn’t even begun production yet. Still, we’ve waited almost fifteen years for a sequel. We can wait a bit longer.



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