Leslye Headland Still Hasn't Heard Anything About 'The Acolyte' Season 2

Leslye Headland

Image Source: StarWars.com

Warning: Spoilers for Star Wars: The Acolyte

The Star Wars: The Acolyte finale was filled with twists and turns and a couple of cameos that left fans excited to tune in for a second season. When asked what she had heard about a potential second season, showrunner Leslye Headland simply replied, “Nothing.” She added that the break is almost a relief, “You have to take a break. Especially after something like this. I don't even know how many years my brain has been going, Star Wars, Star Wars, Star Wars, Acolyte, Acolyte, Acolyte — just constantly solving problems, constantly thinking about it. It is very weird to now be in a place where I don't need to do that.” Headland instructed writers to take time to “sit around and do nothing” because a story can’t start from a stressed-out mindset.

Despite having no confirmation of a second season, Headland isn’t letting that stop her from planning. Even in her break, she’s thinking of how the story would move forward if Disney greenlit another season. Headland revealed that a second season would be focus more on Vernestra and her relationship to Quimir. She explained, “A generation or two generations have gone by since the Nihil. There was a lot of drama, so it was just logical to me that there would be more of this button-down [idea]: ‘We're trying to avoid the mistake. Let's limit the power. Let's do that before someone asks us to.’ And it was just logical to me to show Vernestra as the bridge for that.” 


Osha and Qimir

Image Source: Dailymotion

Headland also hinted that Yoda and Darth Plagueis would have significant roles in another season. She elaborated, “The dangling of other stuff, especially the legacy stuff like what's Manny's name, Yoda, Plagueis, and what the background is with Vernestra and her relationship with the Senate and how that's going to unfold with this sort of internal review of the Jedi — where does that lead? So it was a lot of: How is this going to fit in to what we later see? That was the step I wanted to save for the tease, as well as Osha and the Stranger's relationship. I felt like that was a really good thing to tease as well. Mostly, I need a full season for that.” Headland has no shortage of content for a new season if Disney decides to renew The Acolyte.



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