Hugh Jackman Confirms That Keeping The ‘Logan’ Movie Timeline Was Important to Him

Image Source: CultureSlate

Fans were shocked to hear that Hugh Jackman would be returning as Wolverine in Deadpool 3 when the last we had seen of the character had been a deadly end in 2017’s Logan. However, all is okay based on comments old and new.

Ryan Reynolds, the Deadpool actor, explained to fans shortly after Jackman’s return was announced that this was not touching on what Logan presented. “Logan takes place in 2029. Totally separate thing. Logan died in Logan. Not touching that.” Recently, Jackman has spoken to SiriusXM about his Wolverine return and how he did not want it messing with the events of Logan, lining up with that short statement from Reynolds.


“It’s all because of this device they have in the Marvel world of moving around timelines. Now we can go back because, you know, it’s science. So I don’t have to screw with the Logan timeline, which was important to me. And I think probably to the fans too.”

There seems to be a suggestion here of time travel, which the Marvel Cinematic Universe is well versed in using. The rules surrounding time travel within the MCU are clear enough, with changes to the past creating an alternate timeline. One of these alternate timelines could have a future where Wolverine was never defeated and finds his way into the events of Deadpool 3. Only speculation, but it would allow hints of events we have not seen that would have happened to this version of Wolverine.

Whatever method is used to bring Wolverine and Deadpool together, it allows for the exploration of that particular dynamic that Jackman had wanted to explore since first seeing Deadpool on its release. As well as returning to the claws of the mutant, which he is excited to be doing with the upcoming Deadpool 3. That film is set to begin production in May 2023, with a targeted release date of 8 November 2024.



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