What DC Projects Would James Gunn Be Perfect For?

James Gunn and The Suicide Poster

DC is in desperate need of finding unique voices that will help carry the brand into the future of both film and television. Having spent the better part of the last decade in disarray and division among fans, DC finally has a bright future after finding success with James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker. Now with the wide array of characters sitting on the shelves waiting for their opportunity to have their moment in the spotlight we cannot help but ask ourselves which of these characters will James Gunn turn to next?

Right off the top of everyones head would be that it would be easy for him to return and continue adventures with some of the characters that appears in The Suicide Squad. Two that would be fascinating would be a Polka Dot Man prequel miniseries or a Ratcatcher One miniseries. Those would be under the condition of course that David Dastmalchian and Taika Waititi would be available to star in their respective series. Those to me offer expansion with the world that Gunn already played in and gives some more insight towards two great characters.

One character that immediately comes to mind for me when I think of James Gunn is Plastic Man. The character can essentially turn himself into anything he can think of and Gunn seems perfect to craft a story that would be wild and whacky but keep the charm of the character that is essential. Plastic Man has been seldom seen so similar to Peacemaker, Gunn could take creative liberties with the character without really frustrating too many people.

While Gunn is known for his wild and absurd plot if he reigned that in he would be perfect to tackle the witty and sarcastic Oliver Queen in a Green Arrow Miniseries which would lead to his team up with Black Canary. I do believe Gunn has the chops to include the drama necessary to keep Green Arrow's tragic backstory and still deliver that sarcasm and witty banter his fans have grown accustomed to. For this to work it would very much be dependent on Gunn not trying to go too far and he would definitely have to tone down the crazy.


If Gunn wants to do something crazy, outlandish and out of this world the perfect character for him would be Lobo. There were tons of fancastings for Jason Mamoa as Lobo a few years back before Mamoa obviously went on to play Aquaman. This is right in the wheelhouse of James Gunn as Lobo is known for colorful language and has developed a personality of an anti-hero. He is known as an intergalactic bounty hunter and there is no telling what James Gunn and that beautiful comedic and crazy mind could cook up for a character of this nature. 

While Gunn has teased there is more to come at DC the rest has been very hush hush. I do hope he uses Harley Quinn again in some regard as to me he handled her the best out of any of the writers to use her yet. Bloodsport would also be a character from The Suicide Squad that fans would love to see. The door seems to be wide open for Gunn to pick his playing field and whoever he does end up choosing, let's hope he can continue the success he has found in the comic book genre. The DC arena is endless and Gunn admitted he had full control over the Suicide Squad and which characters lived or died. If he chooses any of these characters one thing is for certain, we are in for a wild and unpredictable rollercoaster of emotions.



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