New Season Of 'Inside Job' Announced By Netflix
Produced by the maker of the famous animated show Gravity Falls, this series details the adventures of one Regan Ridley who is a top employee at the company Incognito Inc, whose job it is to come up with various conspiracy theories for the so-called “Shadow Government”. An adult comedy, it makes fun of a lot of online conspiracy theories that tend to be part of the modern-day pop culture zeitgeist as well as an interesting commentary on the modern world and how we discuss things.
The first season was a big success and while the show is very comedic it also has a lot of heart to it. With fun characters like our workaholic, daddy issue driven, Regan Ridley as well as her partner, Brett, and a few other characters along the way. The show is hilarious with a lot of modern pop culture references as well as a few older ones as well. Hopefully, season 2 will continue the story threads left off by season 1 as well as continue to develop the main character of Regan Ridley as she continues to rise through the corporate power structures of Icognito Inc.
Netflix has just released a season 2 clip showing Regan on the outs of the company as her father Rand begins to reassert control of the organization. Season 2 has yet to receive an official release date.
Source(s): Twitter