Here Are All Of The Easter Eggs In Episode 11 Of 'Star Wars: Andor'
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All previous episodes of Andor have been filled with Easter eggs, and "Daughter of Ferrix," the penultimate episode of Season 1, is no different.
The Garbage Will Do
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When Andor and Melshi finally reached the top of the cliff after escaping from the Narkina 5 prison, the ship they intended to use for their escape was a quadjumper, a vessel first introduced in The Force Awakens. Rey and Finn planned on using it for their escape from Jakku before it was blown up by the First Order and the two heroes had to settle on the Millennium Falcon.
A similar model can also be seen in Season 1 of The Mandalorian.
Droids Have Feelings Too
B2EMO compared to HAL 9000
Image Source: CultureSlate
The episode opened with B2EMO mourning the passing of Maarva Andor. The shot of his big orange-red eye was similar to that of HAL 9000, the evil computer from Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Nets Catch Rebels
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Before Andor and Melshi could reach the quadjumper they got caught in the net of two alien fishers, who first toyed with the idea of selling them to the Empire before they decided that they hated the regime too much and let the two men go.
This, of course, was not the first time that some Rebels were caught in a net. The Ewoks were able to capture Luke, Han, Chewbacca, and the droids in Return of the Jedi in the same way.
Speaking of the two fishers, one of them, Dewi Pamular, is a Keredian, a species that first appeared in Rogue One.
Luthen’s Shop Of Antiquities
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All previous episodes that included scenes in Luthen Rael's antique shop had various artifacts in the background, and Episode 11 is no different. We got another good look at a Gungan energy shield and what looks like Starkiller’s Sith Stalker armor in The Force Unleashed. We also got to see a headdress similar to the one Padme wore in Attack of the Clones.
A Ship From The Old Days
Image Source: Inverse
The Imperial patrol ship that tried to pull Rael's haulcraft in is a Cantwell-class Arrestor Cruiser. In the script for Solo: A Star Wars Story, a ship of this type was supposed to capture the Millennium Falcon, but the scene was dropped. The cruiser could still be seen in an Imperial propaganda video in the background.
The origin of this ship goes back much further. Colin Cantwell, a concept artist who passed away in May 2022, originally pitched the ship’s design to George Lucas as the Sith Carrier, a precursor to the Star Destroyers. The fact that Cantwell's design is finally brought back to life more than 40 years later is another example of how Lucasfilm never throws anything away.
Here is another little tidbit. The TIE fighter with two pods that was sent after Rael's ship wasn't a TIE bomber but a TIE boarding craft.
Sleeping Beauty
Image Source: The Star Wars author
When Andor sneaked back into the hotel room to retrieve his box with the credits, his blasters, and Nemik's manifesto, the sleeping alien was a Blutopian, the same race as Oolin Musters, who threatened to kill Jyn Erso at the beginning of Rogue One.
Like Mother, Not Like Daughter
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The ritual Leida Mothma and the other girls participated in in the Mothma's residence involved chanting praise to the old traditions of Chandrila. This showed that Leida was much more conservative than her mother and probably would not oppose an arranged marriage with Davo Sculdun's son.
Source(s): YouTube