10 Edutainment Channels You Need to Check Out

Image Source: Centrical

These days, there is so much media out there for people to digest. The reason is quite simple: we want to be entertained. Numerous outlets fill this need for people and provide us with entertainment. So how can we differentiate one source of entertainment from another and appeal to people? Well, what about adding education to the mix?

Edutainment is the name for combining multiple learning formats with attractive media elements to make them appealing to people. Edutainment draws people in and keeps their interest, ensuring they return and continue consuming the media. Numerous edutainment channels cover all different sorts of subject matter. Some of the most popular ones cover current affairs and history. The following channels are ten of the most popular options for edutainment.


10. VICE

Vice poster

Image Source: YouTube

VICE provides commentary, advice, and unique storytelling, changing people’s thoughts through their immersive and groundbreaking delivery. Browsing their library of videos will take you to parts of the world you didn’t even know existed.

9. History Tea Time With Lindsay Holiday

Image Source: ListenNotes

Lindsay makes documentaries about royals, women, and topics throughout the ages. Her multi-part docs on many different subjects allow people to learn the ins and outs of historical topics, taking away a comprehensive understanding.

8. Top Fives

Top Fives poster

Image Source: YouTube

Top Fives gives you educational and informative in an easily digestible list format. Their videos take you deep into the subject matter and allow you to explore the world’s farthest corners.


Image Source: YouTube

BE AMAZED gives you bite-sized documentaries on many different subjects. Topics considered amazing range from people to technology to mysteries, throwing in a splash of humour along the way.

6. Origins Explained

Image Source: YouTube

Hello, World!

Through her videos, Origins Explained host Katrina- and occasionally her friend David- helps you find all the answers to your questions about a multitude of subjects, ranging from mysterious events to unsolved mysteries to all there is to know about our world.

5. Weird History

Weird History poster

Image Source: YouTube

Weird History covers history in a way that WASN’T covered in school. This channel covers the extreme, the unexpected, the untold, and the flat-out weird. We may think OUR generation is weird, but we can’t compare it to history.

4. VICE News

Image Source: YouTube

Like the main VICE channel, VICE News aims to bring you the most relevant content. They provide you with the most important news of the day, with efforts in areas like on-the-ground reporting that can’t be found anywhere else.

3. The Infographics Show

Image Source: SocialNationNow

The Infographics Show takes the phrase “facts are fun” to another level by making videos with animated motion infographics. That way, they can present topics like history and current affairs and history in a fun way.

2. Simple History

Simple History poster

Image Source: YouTube

Created by Daniel Turner in September 2013, Simple History brings the past to life via animation. The channel presents all of history- topics like culture, technology, events, conflicts, and more- in a way that makes learning fun and entertaining.

1. General Knowledge

Image Source: YouTube

General Knowledge is a good channel for anyone wanting to learn about anything, presented in a fun animated format. It has simple, clear explanations of its topics to ensure that viewers come away with a clear and accurate understanding of the basics of historical events, which can lead to them wanting to learn even more.

There are many other edutainment channels, of course. Also, many creators have multiple channels that cover a variety of different documentary aspects. Whatever a person may choose to watch, there is no end to what is available for them on YouTube and no end to the explorations they might want to take in the future.


Sources: YouTube [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]

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