So, How Exactly Does The Force Work In 'Star Wars'?
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The force is an integral part of Star Wars. There would be no Jedi order, or Sith, without the force. It’s used for both good and evil and needs balance. But what exactly is the force?
In the most basic explanation, the force was an energy field that forever bound everything in the universe. Everything had a place within the force, no matter how big or small. The Force has two types: living force and cosmic force.
The living force represented the energies of all life forms, which were then fed into the cosmic force. The cosmic force is what binds the galaxy together and communicates the will of the force using midi-chlorins. When a life form dies, it becomes “one with the force”, where it becomes part of the cosmic force which feeds into the living force. Some Jedi even become Force ghosts, once they pass on.
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Some are stronger in the force than others, and those the Jedi deem “strong with the force” are taken from their homes, and trained as Jedi in the Jedi Temple. They focus on multiple aspects of the force, whereas force-sensitive children, who were not taken, were often more skilled with one aspect of the force. While the force can be passed down from parent to child, as we’ve seen with the Skywalker and Palpatine families, this is not always the case. Even though the Palpatine family did have strong force sensitivity, Sheev Palpatine’s son, and Rey’s father, did not inherit his father’s force ability, but his daughter did. However, this was due to his son being an artificial strand cast, thanks to the Sith Eternal’s cult cloning experiments, with Sidious’s genetic template. There wasn’t just a scientific aspect to the force, but also a religious one. Various religious organizations used the Force as the basis of their religion, but each one held differing views when it came to the nature and purpose of the force.
The Force granted various powers to Force-sensitive individuals. The Jedi and Sith used their power for very different reasons. They weren’t the only ones granted their abilities, however, as Bendu and the Mortis gods also had access. A force-sensitive had the potential to manipulate the Force, which was determined by the number of midi-chlorians they had. Force sensitives were also capable of telekinesis, mental manipulation, the ability to sedate or induce sleep, and the power to see the future. This aspect allowed Jedi mystics and other seers to predict events long into the future. This included forming prophecies about the Chosen One, or the Force dyad in the Sith Eternal’s lore. The precognition they had allowed them to see an opponent's attacks before they came, and could even navigate a ship through hyperspace. Some of these abilities could be practiced by those both on the light and dark side, some abilities could only be accessed depending on the user’s stance in the Force. The Jedi harnessed their abilities through a mental state of peace and calmness, whereas the Sith relied on their passion for strength, which would give them access to “unnatural” abilities”. Their opposing philosophies when it came to the Force, led to a millenia of conflict, which eventually led to the extinction of the Sith, and the near-annihilation of the Jedi.
Image Source: StarWars
The Force has many different abilities and can be accessed in many different ways. It can be used for both good and evil. While it flows through everything and everyone, not everyone has the same access to it. The Force is one of the most important aspects of Star Wars, and it’s always interesting to learn more about it.
Source: Wookieepedia