'Star Wars: Andor' Gave Fans One Of The Coolest Ship Designs Yet
Image Source: TV Insider
Diehard Star Wars fans are some of the most observant individuals a franchise could hope for. Speaking of hope, Star Wars: Andor is set in the Imperial Era between the events of Revenge of the Sith and Rogue One, leading up to A New Hope. Fans could not help but notice the cool starships spotlighted in the first three episodes of Andor. Likely, those loyal fans to the original trilogy even recognized many of them. EcksClips shows a brief overview of these, including an LAAT vessel used explicitly by the Corporate Authority known as Mobile Tac-Pods.
What is a Tac-Pod? Per Wookieepedia’s description, Tac-Pods are a type of transport. They were considered a troop transport used by the Pre-Mor Enforcement to ferry sentry guards from Preox-Morlana to varying planets offering air-to-ground support. It could also be used for aerial surveillance activities. These were not luxury starships; Tac-Pods had two general purposes – surveillance or airdrop soldiers. It is for this reason that they were built to have one pilot. The pilot was well protected with extra padding surrounding him for safety when reentering the atmosphere. A troop compartment near the back of the ship could hold six officers. This space would be standing room only, so hold on tight. There was one entry ramp for all to load and unload.
While these ships could be utilized for various mission types, they were generally not associated with interstellar journeys as the engines were incapable of hyperdrive. Uniquely, Tac-Pods could fold their wings toward their engines, allowing more room for crew members. Tac-Pods were not defenseless either. While small, thus not having room for many weapons, they came armed with a single laser cannon that could defend its occupants if necessary.
Andor is currently streaming on Disney+.
Source(s): Wookieepedia; YouTube