A Quick Guide To The Inner Rim Territories

Jakku, a planet in the Inner Rim

Image Source: Wookieepedia

The Inner Rim is located right outside of the Core Worlds. It was originally settled by those who wanted to spread out from the Core Worlds and Colonies. Eventually, the competition for resources caused these settlers to further expand into the galaxy and form the Mid Rim and Outer Rim Territories. Even though colonization spread outwards, the Inner Rim remained prosperous. While we haven’t seen much of the Inner Rim within Star Wars, here are some of the planets located within this section of the galaxy.



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A remote desert planet that is located in the Jakku system within the Western Reaches of the Inner Rim, Jakku used to be a vibrant planet, full of forests and water. However, a past calamity turned it into a barren world of scorched badlands and dunes. It served as a jumping-off point for ships looking to venture out into Unknown Regions. While many consider this planet to be worthless, it was the site of the Battle of Jakku that ended the Galactic Civil War in favor of the New Republic. This planet was the home to Jedi Rey Skywalker



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Shortly after the Galactic Empire was formed, Riosa was annexed and its factories commandeered. The workers were forced into mandatory labor and pushed to their limits to make the components that would be used in both Death Stars. Darth Vader would frequently visit the planet to enforce production quotas. The world became a faded center of manufacturing two decades into the reign of the New Republic. 

Riosa was also known for its alcoholic beverages, such as Riosan mead and Riosan liqueur.


Image Source: StarWars.com

Onderon was filled with savage jungles, and dangerous creatures, forcing the primitive human inhabitants to protect themselves from danger with fortified settlements. During the Clone Wars, the planet aligned itself with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In response to this political move, siblings Steela and Saw Gerrara led a rebel cell against the Separatists, aided by the Jedi. Eventually, the planet was taken over by the Empire after Palpatine declared himself Emperor.  


A Melitto from Li-Toran wearing heavy environmental suit

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Li-Toran was a harsh, intensely volcanic world with a dangerously toxic and extremely hot atmosphere. Dark and poisonous clouds blocked nearly all light from reaching the surface. Because of this, off-worlders who visited the underground areas of Li-Toran needed to wear heavy environmental suits. Despite the harsh environment, the planet’s flora and fauna have adapted, giving rise to unique species like the coral-like organism known as bleeding rock.

It was home to the sentient, hive-based Melitto insectoids.


Image Source: Arinu1

A tidally locked planet within the Inner Rim, Gorse had one moon, Cynda, which was rich in thorilide crystals. Due to the gravitational forces of its star and moon, one side of the planet permanently faced its sun, while the opposite side remained in perpetual darkness. The side that faced the sun experienced temperatures hot enough to melt droids. The humid “night side” was the only part of the planet that was habitable. Gorse served as the location of conflict between the Galactic Empire and a small rebel cell led by Hera Syndulla and former Jedi Padawan Kanan Jarrus

The Inner Rim Territories have not been featured much in Star Wars content. While they played a big role in the Star Wars universe, the stories of these planets have not been explored as much as planets in the other Rims. These locations were the sites of many battles and were important for further expansion throughout the galaxy.



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