Comic Review: Marvel Star Wars 'A New Legacy #1'

Star Wars comic art

Image Source: Wookieepedia

A New Legacy is a one-shot comic penned by three notable Star Wars writers and serves as a celebration of the past ten years of Marvel storytelling set in the galaxy far, far away. Featuring all sorts of characters from across that span, with the talents of Charles Soule, Jason Aaron, and Kieron Gillen reflecting on their work and the wider canon of the comics, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to review the comic book. So join us today at CultureSlate as we review Marvel’s A New Legacy #1.

Warning: This article contains small spoilers for A New Legacy.


A New Legacy cover art

Image Source: Wookieepedia

A New Legacy divides its pages between three shorter stories, entitled “The Grand Imperial Jubilee,” “For the Love of the Empire,” and “Rogue’s Gambit.” The Grand Imperial Jubilee is focused on the same-named event, being held on Alderaan and set to feature a huge guest list of dignitaries across the galaxy in celebration of the date Palpatine was elected Chancellor of the Republic before the modern formation of the Empire. The core narrative focuses on Dr. Aphra and Sana Starros attempting to steal one of the art pieces on display at the event. Unbeknownst to them, Beilert Valance and Rik Duel are in pursuit of Aphra who has a bounty on her head, while the spirit of Momin roams once again after taking possession of a Stormtrooper.


The second story focuses on the long-absent Task Force 99, better known by fans as Scar Squadron. Their narrative is an interesting return to form for the group, reinvigorating them in one sense, but also, showing how time has passed them by since we last saw them, perhaps serving as a meta-commentary on how no other authors have used them in several years.

The final story is an interesting, smaller-stakes story featuring Doctor Aphra once again, but this time aboard her ship with 0-0-0, BT-1, and Krrsantan. It centers on the droids and Krrsantan playing holochess. However, instead of wanting to let the Wookiee win, 0-0-0 insists Krrsantan let him win instead.

Pros And Cons

A New Legacy art

Image Source: Wookieepedia

This comic is an excellent, though brief, piece of media that leans into representing some of the best material Star Wars has offered over the last decade of storytelling. Each story highlights a set of characters that Marvel helped create or reintroduce to fans, and the first story, “The Grand Imperial Jubilee,” has so many cameos in the background of its crowded panels that fans are still combing over the pages, finding new appearances in the background, representing not just the older 2015 and 2017 comic runs, but also the 2020 runs.

If there were any cons, one would have to be that the comic lacks representation of The High Republic. While it makes sense for them to focus on the content Marvel created themselves, especially given the three chosen authors, Marvel has still published several notable High Republic comic series.

The second con worth highlighting is the third story in the issue, “Rogue’s Gambit.” Short and sweet for the more comedic story it is, “Gambit” still feels like a more impactful or interesting story involving Krrsantan or the murder droids could have been slotted into its place. With the Wookiee bounty hunter being relatively absent from the comics in the past few years, focusing on him alone might have better served the comic.

Regardless of these drawbacks, the comic issue was still a wonderful piece of anniversary-related media, with great art and a ton of fun character appearances. We hope the coming year continues to produce comics as strong as this one!

Rating: 8/10


Source(s): A New Legacy 1

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