It’s Time To Start Appreciating Jar Jar Binks

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Once again, Uncivilized presented a different point of view for us to ponder upon. Why was Jar Jar Binks even IN Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace? He was annoying. Obi-Wan thought of him as a "pathetic life form." Everyone disliked him, except for Qui-Gon Jinn, who believed that everyone has a value as they all have a part to play in the big scheme of things.

Jar Jar Binks said a lot of things that made us shake our heads at his troublesome antics. However, his simple statement to Queen Amidala set off a chain of events that changed the planet, and then the entire galaxy. The reasons shown by the narrator lead up to the final conclusion: "[Jar Jar Binks] reminds us that treating any person as if they have no value, simply because they don't behave the way we expect them to...., is to risk the doom of our entire civilization."

Jar Jar Binks is one of the most maligned characters in film history... and in The Phantom Menace... And in Otoh Gunga. That's because people don't realize h...


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