'The Acolyte' Episode 4, "Day", Spoiler-Free Review

Jedi lightsabers

Image Source: IGN

We're halfway done with The Acolyte and lightsabers are finally back! While Star Wars doesn't need them to be a good show, it is still exciting whenever we do get to see them. We didn’t see them in action a lot during this episode, but they did ignite, which is the important part. Episode 4, “Day”, was a great midpoint for the season, and one of the best so far. 

In the episode, we get two different stories, that eventually lead back into one. We see Osha accompany the Jedi to the forest planet of Khofar, to find Jedi Master Kelnacca before Mae can. The planet however is huge, and so is the forest, so finding him will not be easy. They did hire an adorable tracker named Bazil, who helps guide them to find the Wookiee Jedi. During their journey, they come across a part of the forest that has seen better days. The trees seem to be infected with some sort of roly-poly type alien on them. Osha does the thing we would all do and touches the creature. It wakes up and starts to head toward the Jedi until Master Sol uses his lightsaber and cuts it down. While it wasn’t smart on Osha’s part to do that, I think we can admit we all would’ve done the same thing. Master Sol feels something wrong in the force, but he won’t admit to what it is. They lose Bazil at one point and are wandering on their own until they hear him in the distance. Bazil has found Mae. This is where the stories combine. 



Image Source: X

The other story involves Mae and her journey to kill Master Kelnacca, who was one of the four Jedi there on the night her planet burned. She recruits her friend, Qimir, and they set out to Khofar. Mae is supposed to kill Kelnacca without a weapon, but she hasn’t figured out how yet. The pair eventually stops, and Mae devises a plan to go on without Qimir. She traps him and reveals her new plan. She heads to Kelnacca’s abode, where she stumbles across a grim sight. However, that’s not the worst thing that’s going to happen to her tonight either, as just outside, a familiar, and terrifying, mask,  with a red lightsaber waits for her and the Jedi. 

It’s refreshing to see a show where every single character in it is likable, even the bad ones. Okay, well maybe not the Sith-like guy. All of the Jedi have their personalities, even the ones who could be a little annoying, like Yord (who I do love dearly, #YordHorde). Jecki is also great, especially when she was talking to Osha, and giving her some encouraging advice. Mae, even though she is on the other side, is someone I want to see reunite with her sister and get their happy ending. All of these characters deserve it, but unfortunately, if you’re familiar with the High Republic books, you know that those don’t come easy, or at all, for most of the High Republic Jedi. Let’s hope this show changes that. 

A Sith?

Image Source: X

Last week's episode was quite divisive. I enjoyed it, but I enjoyed this week more. While some Star Wars content, doesn’t need lightsabers to feel like Star Wars, it was great to see them once more in this episode. It was cool to see yellow lightsabers being used, in addition to the classic blue and green (or purple if you’re Mace Windu). Episode 4 was exciting and left me wanting more, especially with how it ended. The Jedi have a difficult fight on their hands in the next episode.

Rating: 9/10

New episodes of The Acolyte are released at 6 PM PST/ 9 PM EST every Tuesday on Disney+.



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