Will 'The Acolyte' Go In Depth To Explain The Sith Order?


Star Wars: The Acolyte promises to bring a whole new Star Wars experience to us all. During Disney Investors Day, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy, revealed a lot of new upcoming Star Wars content coming to Disney+. One of these new upcoming Star Wars stories is the mysterious series The Acolyte.

This new series, its said to take place during the final days of the High Republic, and could potentially explore never before seen dark side powers. Kennedy revealed that this series will be the very first mystery-thriller within the Star Wars universe (in live-action). 

Many fans are speculating that this story, being a thriller, will be one of the first Star Wars stories to be fully for adults. George Lucas once said Star Wars "is a film for 12-year-olds,” which seemed to indicate that Star Wars is always for kids. Yet the new era of Star Wars content could theoretically target those who are now fully grown adults. Being a thriller, fans are speculating that Star Wars: The Acolyte will be a little closer to shows like HBO’s Game of Thrones or Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle

There is not so much revealed about what the story of the show will be, yet we can all speculate based on what we have been given. First of all, the name Acolyte is what Sith used to call their apprentices during the Old Republic era. One can guess that the show will be centered on a Sith Acolyte going on suspenseful adventures. The Acolyte could show us a darker side of the galaxy, and perhaps even many secrets of the Sith we’ve never seen before. 

The showrunner, Leslye Headland, has revealed that the show will be female-centric. Many fans have speculated that the show will follow a Jedi turning to the dark side, or a Sith Acolyte during the final days of a huge conflict. Whichever direction the show takes us, we can all be sure that it will be exciting, and something new for the Star Wars universe.

Several questions fans have come to ask are whether the series may show us the extinction of the Sith prior to The Phantom Menace. Would the show delve into the transition to the Rule of Two? There is a huge gap between the establishment of the Rule of Two a thousand years before the films, and The Acolyte's setting of about half a century before The Phantom Menace. However, could the viewers be provided with flashbacks showing the Sith history somehow? These are very important questions within the Star Wars community, as the Sith transition from Sith Empire to the Rule of Two has never been seen onscreen. To those who don’t know what the Rule of Two is, it was a command written by Darth Bane during the Old Republic. Darth Bane knew that the greed and lust for power of the Sith would end them, so he created a new rule. Only two Sith would exist at a time, a master, and an apprentice. The apprentice would learn everything from the master, kill the master, and gain an apprentice of his/her own, and continue the cycle.

The ancient history of the Sith was mainly discussed during the prequel era, yet has never been canonically shown onscreen. It will be very interesting to see a series where not only the Jedi were at their prime, but the Sith were a formidable threat. Some fans have grown tired of Lucasfilm making shows and theatrical releases set during the timeline of the Skywalker saga, so it will be a fresh new beginning to see a galaxy we’ve only heard tales of.  We can all agree on one thing: The Acolyte will take us in a whole new journey within the Star Wars galaxy.

Source(s): The Playlist, YouTube

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