Why Snoke Could Be A Great Character Still

Who is Snoke?

Those were the questions asked after Star Wars: The Force Awakens was released, even after The Last Jedi was out. The mysterious Supreme Leader of the First Order and his origin plagued the minds of those who wanted to know just what he was all about. Well, in The Rise of Skywalker, we finally received that answer.

Snoke was a creation of Palpatine.

This was a bit of a controversial answer among fans. Some wanted Snoke to be his own thing, while others thought the concept was interesting if not explored enough. Regardless this is the lore we have now. So with that being said, where exactly do we go with the character now?

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A Clone of His Own Accord

One big misconception about Snoke is that he is merely a puppet for Palpatine. While he is being manipulated by the dark lord, Snoke is still operated by his own free will, which most clones are. This makes him interesting that while being a creation of Palpatine that he does have his own free will. That means he has his own agenda, thoughts, and ideas.

It is a fascinating idea to see a creation of Palpatine go his own way in some ways. Especially what he assumed his purpose in the universe was. How did he rise to power to become Supreme Leader of the First Order? These are stories just waiting to be told and tapped into if an author is brave enough to tap into these ones.

The idea of a Palpatine creation that wanted to go beyond its creator is fascinating. The views of a clone trying to be their own thing while also being a puppet with a purpose.

Clones are interesting because, while created, they are beings of their own free will. They have thoughts, feelings, and ideas. They are not completely programmed automatons. They have dreams and personalities, and they have their own opinions. So what if, despite being programmed to a degree, Snoke develops autonomy as he continues to master the Dark Side of the Force and seek his own way in life.

As he once said, he was not born Snoke but became Snoke.

What were his feelings toward Kylo Ren and whether or not he wanted to rule the galaxy? After all, he trained the boy. Perhaps he had ideas beyond what Palpatine merely wanted, that maybe he could take Kylo Ren and rule the galaxy instead of Sidious.

Expanding the Universe

Star Wars has always tried to expand the universe with all sorts of characters.

Count Dooku was a character once introduced in Attack of the Clones only to die in the very next film but receive much expansion in The Clone Wars, books, and comics. So it is not impossible for Snoke to eventually get more expansive material as time goes on.

Snoke has the potential to be one of these characters. He is Palpatine's pawn, yes, but he rises to become the Supreme Leader of the First Order. Snoke almost conquers the galaxy. He trains Ben Solo in the ways of the Dark Side. So really, who knows just what else is going on in his mind. But just because he is a clone doesn’t mean he is his own self.

Star Wars has always had a history of clones who became more than just their template. Like Boba Fett and Captain Rex. Both are clones of Jango, but both go in very different life directions. One is a rebel and the other a bounty hunter turned Damyo of Tatooine. So why should we not see the evolution of Snoke as a character?

Expand the character and expand the universe.

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