Who Would Have The Most TikTok Followers In The 'Star Wars' Universe?


As we all know, the app TikTok has become a worldwide phenomenon within the last little while. The app itself has many world famous stars who produce daily content, and it reaches people from all over the globe. TikTok stars include comedians, filmmakers, athletes, and many other types of celebrities who produce amazing content for their fans.

What if the crazy network of TikTok existed in the Star Wars galaxy? Can you even imagine all the crazy content we would get? If the application itself existed in the Star Wars universe, it would be used for so many purposes. TikTok in the Star Wars universe would be used to promote creative content to make others laugh, as well as propoganda for many years.

Just imagine how the Republic would pump propaganda onto your TikTok, telling you that the CIS is evil. But who would be the most famous person on TikTok within the Star Wars universe? The answer is pretty clear, as that position belongs to Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan. Princess Leia’s witty attitude, and wicked sense of humor, would gain her so many followers on a daily basis.

Can you imagine Princess Leia on TikTok, messing around with Luke, or bothering Han Solo as he’s trying to prepare the Millennium Falcon for takeoff? One can even imagine Leia making TikTok videos expressing her opinion on the Empire, or the Emperor himself. It might be considered illegal, but she would still continue to do it. 

I think another famous TikTok user would be none other than Leia’s husband, Han Solo. Han Solo would be a perfect vlogger posting videos of all the places he’s been. If Han Solo were a famous TikTok user, he would show off all the places he has visited over the years, and all the dangerous maneuvers he does, while piloting the Millennium Falcon. 

It would be so interesting to see TikTok videos from Han Solo, and to see his flying routes through space, and also to see the many diverse and colorful planets he has visited over the years. It would also be fun watching him run away from smugglers, or even the Empire itself. 

What about the dark side, though? Imagine if the Emperor had a TikTok. Technically, he’d be the one with most followers, since he’d probably command you to follow him on the app, if you want to make it out alive. There would be some Imperial propaganda, and one might see Palpatine’s main court hall and all the people whom he messes with. It would also be interesting and scary watching him torture the remaining surviving Jedi from Order 66.

Emperor Palpatine would be very interested in the power of social media. He would probably have high class parties and record the entire party to video, so that followers can watch the very best of his life, which many civilians cannot afford, or to simply force civilians into watching his content. The Emperor would try to manipulate the masses, trying to keep them in the control. Emperor Palpatine would definitely want to play the manipulation game over the Republic, and finally gain absolute power. 

Although Palpatine would have the most followers, as he’d be forcing his followers to follow him, the title of most popular TikTok star within the Star Wars galaxy would belong to Princess Leia. Princess Leia would be an amazing TikTok influencer, as her attitude would help her lead the people of the Resistance 30 years in the future.

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