Which Animated 'Star Wars' Character You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Have you ever wondered which Star Wars character you would be based on your Zodiac Sign? There are lists out there, but what about what animated character you are? Read on to find out!

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Sabine Wren (Rebels)


Aquarius’ are original, independent, and progressive, although they do tend to be temperamental, run from emotional expression, and are aloof and uncompromising. Sabine Wren is very much independent. She prefers to do things her own way, much to a fault sometimes when she gets the others in trouble. She likes being different and original from others, as is evident from her many different hair colors throughout the show. She also has a hard time showing emotion at the start, as she is deeply hurting within, but slowly throughout the show ends up being able to show more emotion as she opens up. She can be very temperamental and uncompromising, and sometimes runs off from the group to do her own thing. However, deep down, Sabine really does love her friends. 

Pisces (Feb. 19 – Mar. 20) 

99  (Clone Wars)


Pisces are compassionate, intuitive, gentle, wise, and artistic. However, they also tend to be fearful, sad, overly trusting, full of desire to escape reality, and can become victims or a martyrs. 99 is a defective clone and was really beloved by the 501st, Captain Rex’s troops. Despite not being able to fight, he provides a lot of compassion and assistance to the clones, although he was also sad that he couldn’t fight with his brothers. He eventually dies trying to help his brothers. Even though he was only in The Clone Wars a short time, he is very beloved by fans. He is also why Clone Force 99 (also known as The Bad Batch) adopted that name, as it was in honor of his help toward others. 

Aries (Mar. 21 – Apr. 19) 

Saw Gerrara (The Clone Wars, Rebels)


Aries are courageous, confident, determined, passionate, and enthusiastic. However, they can also be extremely short-tempered, moody, impulsive, impatient, and aggressive. Saw Gerrara is very determined to liberate his planet of Onderon. He is a leader, but a leader to a fault. He is a freedom fighter to some but a terrorist to others. He is very courageous and will do anything that he needs to get what he wants. He is very short-tempered and aggressive when needed. He has a cause that he believes in, which is not a bad thing, but he doesn’t really care how he gets to his end goal, which makes a lot of the other rebel characters not quite like him since he isn’t opposed to violence. He can be very impulsive with his decisions. However, he is very passionate, courageous, and enthusiastic about his beliefs and cause, which makes him a great leader to those who do follow him. 

Taurus (Apr. 20 – May 20) 

Hera Syndulla (Rebels)


Tauruses are patient, reliable, devoted, practical, responsible, and stable. However, they are also very stubborn, possessive, and uncompromising at times. Hera Syndulla is a great pilot and a great leader. She is very loyal and devoted to her friends and the rebel cause. She is reliable, stable, and patient, always being there when needed, being the voice of reason to some of the more impulsive characters in the group. These traits make her a great leader in the Rebellion. However, Hera can be very stubborn at times and uncompromising, especially when it comes to confronting her family and her past. She is also stubborn when it comes to protecting her friends and finishing the jobs, which can actually be a good thing at times. 

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Omega  (The Bad Batch)


Geminis are gentle, curious, affectionate, adaptable, and able to learn quickly. They can also be nervous, inconsistent, and indecisive at times. While The Bad Batch is currently in the process of airing each week on Disney+, so far Omega has shown that she is a very gentle and curious character. She is extremely adaptable and has the ability to learn quickly as seen by how she fits in right away with Clone Force 99, and she watches how things are done or fixed, and she can easily pick up the concepts. She seems like a sweet character. However, she also shows some nervousness with her decisions and about her situation currently. 

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) 

Ezra Bridger  (Rebels)


Cancers are tenacious, loyal, emotional, highly imaginative, sympathetic, and persuasive, while at the same time moody, pessimistic, manipulative, suspicious, and insecure. Ezra Bridger is very sure of himself. He thinks before he acts and tends to be emotional, but he is extremely loyal to his friends. He is also sympathetic toward them, and even though at first he isn’t able to persuade the group to do what he wants, he becomes a leader later on. However, due to this, he does end up more moody and insecure (although part of that is the temptation to the dark side from Darth Maul). He can be manipulative and suspicious of his friends and those around him as well. He is very insecure at times with being a Jedi and his place in the world, but he does grow beautifully into being a leader at the end of the series. 

Leo (July 23- Aug. 22) 

Ahsoka Tano  (The Clone Wars, Rebels)


Leos are generous, creative, passionate, and cheerful. On the other hand, they can be arrogant, stubborn, inflexible, self-centered, and lazy. Ahsoka Tano starts out as an angsty kid in The Clone Wars, but grows to be a strong leader under Anakin and Obi-Wan’s tutelage. She is extremely creative and cheerful. She is extremely passionate for what she stands for, which does show when she ends up leaving the Jedi and going out on her own. She grows into a strong leader, and in Rebels, she ends up at the head of the Rebellion as Fulcrum. Even though she grows as a person throughout the series, she can still be stubborn (sometimes to a fault, sometimes in her favor), and inflexible. 

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) 

Captain Rex (The Clone Wars, Rebels)


Virgos are loyal, kind, hardworking, analytical, and practical, although they do tend to have weaknesses of being shy, overcritical of self and others, worried, and all work and no play. This is Captain Rex in both Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. He is loyal to the Republic and loyal to his Jedi. He would do anything to get his brothers home. He is loyal to the end. He is extremely analytical and has helped to get the characters in The Clone Wars and Rebels out of several tight situations. He is a very good friend of Ahsoka’s and is extremely loyal to her. He is kind and hardworking. As a clone, however, he can be an all work no play person, which can sometimes mean that he can’t always relax. He worries a lot about his friends and brothers in The Clone Wars and in Rebels, especially Ahsoka. 

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) 

Satine Kryze  (The Clone Wars)


Libras are cooperative, diplomatic, gracious, social, and fair-minded. At the same time, they can be indecisive, afraid of confrontations, grudge-carrying, and full of self pity. Satine is the leader of Mandalore before the war. She is a gracious and fair-minded leader. She tries to unify Mandalore during a brief peacetime during the Clone Wars and terrorist uprising on Mandalore, but is unsuccessful. However, like a Libra, she is not confrontational and is indecisive, which leads to her downfall as she can’t effectively be a good and strong leader for her people despite being gracious and diplomatic. 

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) 

Asajj Ventress  (The Clone Wars)


Scorpios are resourceful, brave, stubborn, passionate, and true friends, although they can also be jealous, secretive, distrusting, and violent. Asajj Ventress is very resourceful as a fighter. She does fight for herself more, even though she is technically under the tutelage of Count Dooku when we first see her. Despite being loyal to Count Dooku, she is distrustful of him, which is evident when he eventually decides to kill her under orders from Darth Sidious. She is a violent assassin and is passionate about what she does, but is also secretive in her work.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) 

Hondo Ohnaka (The Clone Wars, Rebels)


Sagittariuses are idealistic, generous, and have a great sense of humor. However, they also tend to promise more than they can deliver, be very impatient, and have no filter in conversations. Hondo is a funny character in both demeanor and what he says. He is able to con his way out of almost anything. He negotiates whatever he can to weasel his way out of anything, just like a true pirate. He can be a true friend, but also one that would stab you in the back when you aren’t looking just so he can be one step ahead. In both The Clone Wars and Rebels, this is extremely evident, because he will definitely help those who need it, but as soon as he finds something that he wants or needs and it doesn’t involve helping the others, then he will do it just for him and leave the others behind. He definitely promises more than he can deliver sometimes and says almost anything that comes into his head. Although, he can also be very generous at times. 

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) 

Grand Admiral Thrawn  (Rebels)


Capricorns are responsible, disciplined, full of self-control, and are good managers. They can, however, be unforgiving, condescending, know-it-all, and expect the worst. Grand Admiral Thrawn is a great leader in the Empire. He is extremely disciplined and responsible in his role. He follows through with what he needs/wants to do. And he is absolutely unforgiving to others who cannot finish the task or do what he asks. He is cold and calculating, and he is very smart. Sometimes, he does expect the worst, which actually helps him as a great tactician because he is able to be one step ahead. He does have self-control in his emotions and when executing orders, but you really don’t want to be on his bad side.  

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