What We Should Expect From Ubisoft's 'Star Wars' Game


Great news to the Star Wars gaming community! Ubisoft announced recently that they will be releasing an open world Star Wars game. Fans all over the world are going wild as they make speculations on what this mysterious game could be about, and what might be in it. Lots of fans would love to have a fully explorable game, similar to Grand Theft Auto V or Red Dead Redemption II.

Just imagine a full Star Wars game where you can board a ship, drive off-planet, go into hyperspace, and travel to another planet filled with new aliens and creatures. This would be groundbreaking for the Star Wars community, as this game would allow gamers to live the Star Wars experience like never before.

The game will be made by Massive Studios, and it will be created using their Snow-job engine, which will give the game amazing and super realistic visuals. The game will most likely be released for new age consoles, and of course PC. 

Several fans would also love to have fully customizable character options. Like in GTA V, it would be amazing to have a Star Wars open world game where you can fully customize the look of your character, vehicles, and places where the character can rest. This would give the player the opportunity to have their freedom with their character or vehicle. 

Something I would personally like for this game to include, and I believe many fans could agree on, is for it to take place during the High Republic era. We already have too many games exploring the original trilogy, and we certainly have many stories within the prequel era as well. We need a game in the current canon's version of the galaxy's past, and what better opportunity than with a full open world game. 

I would personally love to see more explorations of the dark side of the force. We already have so many Jedi games. It is time to go on the dark side of things. With The Acolyte TV series coming to Disney+ in the near future, it is the perfect way to tie the series to the video game in some way, and to see the Jedi in their prime, of course. 

Ideally, this wouldn’t just show us Jedi and Sith we’ve never seen in a video game, but a completely new galaxy with which we are unfamiliar. I think Lucasfilm has been playing it safe with Star Wars, mainly targeting the fans' nostalgia. We forget that we all fell involve with Star Wars by seeing something new and exciting. This game will be the perfect way to introduce us to a Star Wars galaxy never explored.

We aren’t sure yet if the game will be more focused on a story mode, or if it will also have a big target for online gameplay. It would make sense if the game had a big online target gameplay, as it would be a way to add any DLC's to the game and expand the story and the world even more. This is, of course, one of the ways that players enjoy big open world games like GTA V or Red Dead Redemption II after completing the game’s story mode. 

An online mode for the game would also allow players to play with their friends, even in a huge amazing open world game, a player can get bored playing by themselves. This would give players a way to team up, and go into new adventures with their friends.

Whether this new upcoming video game lives up to the fans' expectations is still a mystery, as the game is in very early stages of development. What we can be sure of, however, is that it will bring us a Star Wars experience like never before.

Source(s): MarketResearchTelecast.com

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