New Secrets Of The Sith Have Been Revealed By Palpatine Himself

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To say that Palpatine had a lot of secrets is an understatement. Whether you're looking at Senator Sheev Palpatine, Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, or Emporer Sheev Palpatine, he's always seemingly behind the scenes manipulating everyone to get his own way for his own mysterious gains we rarely ever find out about directly. Whether you're looking at the films, the shows, the books, both canon and Legends, Palpatine being a mastermind behind the scenes is a constant for more years than his age would lead you to believe. When we were past six movies and looking on, we assumed we'd reached the end of Palpatine's schemes, only for The Rise of Skywalker to open up the can of worms all over again and reveal that the Sith had likely millions of secrets for us left to uncover that we don't know yet.

With the Exegol revelation and the implication behind it, it's obvious Disney and Lucasfilm have their own ideas for the Sith and their mythology leading us in directions of which we had no idea. Now with the Darth Vader comic series finally diving into Exegol and just how far back the plans went, we are finally gaining a little bit of insight as to what they have going on behind the scenes. It seems Disney and Luasfilm aren't about to stop there, because they've now announced a new book, narrated by the Emperor himself: Secrets of the Sith.

Secrets of the Sith, the new guidebook announced by Lucasfilm, is going to be a guide to all the secrets of the Sith, many being first time looks we've never seen, narrated by Sheev Palpatine. It is intended to be an all-encompassing look at the Sith lore, secrets, and powers that spans all ages we know of. In it, Palpatine is going to give an in-depth look at the secrets and powers of some of the most famous, or perhaps infamous, Sith in history, including Darth Vader, Count Dooku, and Kylo Ren.

Secrets of the Sith is intended to be a sequel of sorts to Secrets of the Jedi, a similar book narrated by Luke Skywalker that explores the secrets of the flip side of the Force sign, recounting the abilities of the many famous Jedi throughout history.

Since The Rise of Skywalker was released, many fans have been going through the scenes with a fine tooth comb to find out all the secrets they can following the new revelations about the dark side of the Force. Most scenes taking place on Exegol have been gone through already with many secrets and Easter eggs found within the scenes, including evidence of Palpatine's cloning and even a piece of wall art seemingly including Revan and Malak from the beloved Knights of the Old Republic games and novels. It's exciting to see a book from this point of view explored, as we tend to get much more information about the Jedi than the Sith historically.

The list of things people would like to see about the Sith is long and likely unending as more information is given to us. With each comic, book, movie, and show, it seems we learn a little more about what makes the Sith tick in this new timeline Disney and Lucasfilm are making. It's confirmed that they'll dive far back enough to look at Darth Maul all the way back in The Phantom Menace, but we don't yet know how far they'll go beyond that. Perhaps we'll get more information as to Revan and Malak's possible inclusion in the movie, or maybe it'll stop long after their time. It's impossible to say at this point, so it looks like we'll all have to wait for more information to leak or for the book to release. Secrets of the Sith, written by Marc Sumerak is scheduled to be released August 3, 2021.

Source(s): Screen Rant

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