What Grogu's Yellow Lightsaber Could Mean For The Character's Future


We have recently been given a new poster for The Mandalorian that seems to show Grogu taking a very important step in his Jedi training, and that is building his lightsaber that we see has a yellow crystal. So what would this mean for the character? Well, in order to theorize about this, we need to understand what it means to build your own lightsaber, and what the colors can mean.

Building a Lightsaber is a huge step for new Jedi, and this is pointed too throughout canon, Legends, and lore. It is spoken about like a rite of passage for a Padawan or youngling. This is perhaps best shown in The Clone Wars episode "The Gathering" that was first aired in 2012. The episode centers around Ahsoka escorting a group of younglings to Ilum, a world where the Jedi get their kyber crystals. Kyber crystals are essentially what makes a lightsaber powerful. They are almost sentient pieces of crystal that occur naturally within the world of Star Wars on scattered planets,but most prominently on Ilum, in the crystal caves where young Jedi would be sent to find their crystals. In "The Gathering," we see that these crystals are almost sentient and work similarly to the wands in Harry Potter, meaning essentially that the crystal picks the Jedi depending on various factors like connection to the Force and strength of character etc. However, unlike wands, they don't pack any less of a punch in another Jedi's hands.

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On Ilum, we see the young Jedi learn from Master Yoda about kyber crystals and then enter the crystal cave where each of them go through a personal journey and find the crystal that suits them. The crystals vary in meaning depending on the color, as each color means something different, but we will get to that shortly,

We are also given a hint about the importance of building your lightsaber in Return of the Jedi when Vader first sees Luke's brand new saber after he lost his father's lightsaber on Cloud City. Inspecting the weapon, Lord Varder remarks, "I see you have constructed a new lightsaber. Your skills are complete, indeed you are powerful as the Emperor has foreseen."

Which of course suggests that one is not a fully trained Jedi Knight if one has never built their own lightsaber. Of course, we know now from "The Gathering" that this usually happens much earlier in the career of Jedi. But as we know, the galaxy worked very differently during the time of the Empire. Gone were the old Jedi rituals, temples, and training, seemingly eradicated during Order 66.


So what do the lightsaber colors actually mean? Well, they are vastly important and can tell you a lot about a Jedi and their connection to the Force, provided of course that they are wielding their original color or are wielding a new lightsaber they constructed themselves after a change in their lives much like Luke in Return of The Jedi. Of course, in canon, there is not a lot of lore talked about when it comes to Lightsaber colors. Most of that information comes in Legends. However, I'm still going to look at this with Visions not strictly sticking to canon, and they way Lightsaber colors have been revealed recently with Rey and now Grogu in this poster, the franchise is potentially leaning into showing us the significance of these colors.

Crystals to begin with were used to signify Jedi class. Blue was used by Jedi Guardians. This was a class of Jedi who focused more on physical force in short who were better with a lightsaber than the Force. Green was used by the Jedi Counselors, who focused more on reflection and learning in short who were better Force wielders than they were duelists. And finally there was yellow, and at that time, this color was used by Jedi Sentinels who struck a balance between both of these styles and were often used as temple guards for this reason.

There are also a few more colors like purple, orange, and white/grey. A purple lightsaber usually means a Jedi has moral ambiguity but strives toward light. In essence, Jedi who wield a purple blade are able to use both light side and dark side techniques, and typically duel with a lot of power and aggression. Mace Windu is a notable example, and the meaning is subtly hinted at when we see how Mace fights with raw power and aggression. Of course, in Legends, another famous wielder of this color is Mara Jade Skywalker.

An orange blade does not really seem to have any particular significance to personality or use of the Force. This is typically a color that shows raw physical strength, which is highlighted by one of the most famous users of the orange crystal: Lowbacca a Wookiee Jedi. And we all know how strong those big furballs are !

The white/grey crystal is typically wielded by a person who believes in the complete balance of the Force. Notice how I said person and not Jedi. This is because wielders of these lightsabers may not be Jedi at all; they are Force users for sure, but they may not align with the light or the dark. They are commonly known as Gray Jedi, but as they are not strictly Jedi, they strive for balance above all, and this is why Ahsoka uses this color after the Clone Wars. We see her with white blades, and when she confronts Darth Vader, she remarks "I'm no Jedi." Although she is helping the Rebels she is in fact striving for balance once more after the Empire had completely tipped the scales to the dark side.

Finally, we come to red, not a Jedi color but that of the Sith. A red crystal in canon is created when the user bleeds the crystal, corrupting it and draining it of its original color.

What does this mean for Grogu? Well, in my opinion, when we take Legends into account and can see the possibility of more lightsaber lore coming to canon, this means that the child will be an immensely powerful character given that what we have learned here about that color suggests he will be equally powerful with the Force as he is skilled in Lightsaber combat.

Further than that, I believe it's already been hinted at that this will be the case, and the saber lore is coming. Look at Grogu he is already fairly powerful with the Force for an untrained Jedi. Not only that, but from what we know of his species of which Yoda is a member, they are potentially an inherently Force adept race.

So what will the future bring for Grogu's lightsaber? Only time will tell, but I for one cannot wait to see what happens !

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Sources: Wookieepedia

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