Top 5 Things That We Would Like To See In ‘Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse’

Miles Morales as Spider-Man

Across the Spider-Verse is not only one of the biggest sequels but one of the most anticipated movies of 2023. The first one set the precedent that nothing was off-limits for this series and definitely lived up to that. One thing remains to be seen, though, and that is whether or not the sequel can surpass the quality of the first by delivering some cool new twists. Here are 5 things we hope to see in the sequel

5. Mayday

If Miles and Gwen are genuinely going to take a trip through the multiverse and see limitless potential realities, the one thing we need to see is the daughter of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson. This would be the first time the character would be seen in any film and could definitely help showcase some lesser-known characters and provide them with a more widespread appeal. In addition, this could really open up the potential for spin-offs and other adventures within the Spider-Verse.


4. 90s Animated Spider-Man

If they aim to go all out with this film, the second part of the story taking a swing through beloved classics such as the 90s animated series seems like a good way to play on the nostalgia factor. It does not have to be an extended stay, but even if Miles and Gwen take a swing through the aesthetic, it would have a big-time payoff for those who have been Spider-Man fans for decades now.

3. Glimpses Of The Live-Action Universe

It does not matter which Spider-Man appears via video footage, but it would be nice to see that this all connects, especially now that Marvel is leaning heavily on the concept of the multiverse. Tom Holland makes the most sense, especially if they are leaning towards bringing him back for a second trilogy. This could be a way of doing some more of the unusual for his second go-around as the web-slinger.

2. Venom-Verse

Venoverse #1 cover with Venom on the cover

This is one instance where the roles are reversed and Peter Parker becomes the deranged villain, and Eddie Brock plays the hero in this version. This could be a fun way to throw things for a loop. It could be part of the journey that sees Miles and Gwen realize how different things are in the worlds they are passing through.

1. Miles Being A Teenager

It is easy to get caught up in all the craziness of these grand-scale epic adventures through the multiverse. It seems odd to make this the number one thing for a movie about so many crazy potential worlds, but it would be nice to see the film start off and spend some time with Miles being the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and just a regular teenager before things go all haywire for him again.

We do know for sure that Spider-Man 2099 will be making an appearance, so the list is compromised out of certain things that are imperative or could potentially help create a wholesome Spider-Man story and one that does not repeat the same story of the first. There is so much potential for this film to be one hell of a trippy ride through so many multiverse scenarios that it would be a shame if it does not do some very cool things with that. Very similar to what the first one did but expands beyond variations of Peter Parker and includes more of what makes the multiverse so vast, to begin with. Peter Parker and Miles Morales are just two examples of the Spider-people that exist across various timelines and worlds. It would be very cool to see some of that brought to life in this animation style.



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