Top 10 Jedi Ranked By Power


The guardians of peace and justice have protected the galaxy from darkness for over a thousand generations. Through wars against Sith, wars against Mandalorians, the Clone Wars, and even the Great Jedi Purge, their light has endured in the galaxy. This list will attempt to compile the most powerful beings to ever claim the title Jedi, both in canon and the stories of Legends, based upon their skill with a lightsaber, their knowledge of the Force, and notable Padawans or apprentices they taught.

10. Mara Jade


The former Emperor's Hand, Mara Jade was an Imperial assassin and deadly agent of Darth Sidious. Just prior to the Battle of Endor, the Emperor issued his final command to Jade: "Kill Luke Skywalker." She instead become one of his first and best apprentices and later marry the founder of the New Jedi Order. As an agent of the Emperor, Jade was extremely well trained and proficient in virtually all forms of combat, from lightsaber and blaster combat to hand-to-hand and dogfighting. She was also a master of espionage, employing her skills to cripple the enemies of the Jedi. While Mara Jade's stories have virtually all been relegated to Legends, she still is one of the deadliest Jedi in a fight in any Star Wars story.

9. Quinlan Vos


The dark horse of this list, Dark Horse Comics character Quinlan Vos was a powerful, if troubled, Jedi Knight. Gifted with a rare ability to feel echoes in the Force left on an object, Vos was an excellent tracker. Just by touching an item owned by his quarry, Vos could often hear what was said when the item was being used. Long after training Aayla Secura to knighthood, Vos was tasked with assisting the Nightsister turned assassin, Asajj Ventress, in killing Count Dooku and ending the Clone War. Arriving on Sereno, Vos was captured and tortured by the Count, eventually succumbing to the dark side. Through strength of will, and with help from Ventress, Quinlan Vos was able to return to the light and defeat Dooku in saber combat, a feat accomplished by few others.

8. Qui-Gon Jinn


The Master and mentor of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn was wise, powerful, and able to avoid the snares of Jedi dogmatism and corruption. Seeing through the arrogance of the Jedi Council, Qui-Gon was able to understand the Living Force in a way few Jedi have before. These views were considered radical by many Jedi, including his own apprentice. However, he would be vindicated when he was able to preserve his consciousness beyond death. This ability, locked away from Jedi for millennia, allowed Jinn to reach out through the netherworld of the Force and teach even Master Yoda how to follow his footsteps.

7. Mace Windu


Grand Master-in-training during the Clone Wars, Mace Windu was Master Yoda's right hand as they struggled to guide the Republic through those turbulent times. Inventor of his own lightsaber style, Vaapad, many worried that Mace walked too close to the dark. Vaapad was extremely aggressive and unflinching, always going for a quick and lethal end to the fight. While Mace was an extremely powerful fighter, both with a saber and the Force, he was unable to sense disturbances in the Force on the scale of his mentor Yoda. Like all the other Jedi of the Republic, Windu was deceived by Darth Sidious and betrayed by Anakin. Rigid and dogmatic in his beliefs, Windu was one of many Jedi to perish during the Great Jedi Purge.

6. Obi-Wan Kenobi

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Obi-Wan Kenobi, master of Soresu, teacher of Anakin and Luke Skywalker, General of the Grand Army of the Republic, and a Jedi who learned from the late Qui-Gon about how to become a Force ghost. Kenobi was apprenticed to the great Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn, whose understanding of the Living Force was unequalled. He passed this knowledge on to Kenobi, encouraging him to meditate often and submit to the will of the Force. Known as "the Negotiator," Obi-Wan exemplified what it meant to be a Jedi. Always seeking the peaceful resolution but willing to act swiftly and decisively to protect the innocent. A survivor of Order 66, Kenobi would go on to train Luke Skywalker, who would redeem his father and bring peace to the galaxy. Though Obi-Wan experienced massive losses and hardships in his life, he never wavered as he walked the path of a true Jedi Knight.

5. Revan

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Revan is plagued by a complicated history, full of violence, betrayal, darkness, and redemption. Revan was a Jedi Knight who refused to stand down when the Mandalorian legions began razing Republic planets, pillaging, burning, and looting. Against the wishes of the Council, Revan raised an army of several hundred Jedi and set out to combat these marauding warriors. The causalities were high on both sides, but eventually the Jedi pushed the Mandalorians back after Revan defeated the Mandalorian leader, Mandalore the Ultimate in single combat. Departing to the Unknown Regions, Revan would fall under the thrall of a hidden Sith Emperor, Vitiate, and return as Darth Revan. Though he would eventually have his memory whipped by the Jedi, turn back to the light and would assist in banishing Vitiate's spirit, his turn to the dark and lust for power prevent him from ranking higher on this list.

4. Nomi Sunrider

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A Jedi of the ancient Order, some 4,000 years prior to the events of the Skywalker saga. Sunrider was the wielder of strange and rare Force abilities that are seldom seen among the Jedi. Possibly the most fascinating and dangerous of these was the ability to permanently sever an individual's connection to the Force. She used this ability to defeat the fallen Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma and rob him of his ability to touch the Force. She was also able to create a barrier with the Force that would deflect incoming blaster fire and prove to be a valuable respite in the heat of battle. While she was not especially gifted with a saber, her strength in the Force made her a dangerous warrior. Combined with her keen, strategic mind and ability to inspire courage in others, Sunrider was not a Jedi to be trifled with on the battlefront.

3. Yoda

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For over 800 years, Master Yoda passed on his immense knowledge of the Force to many a Padawan learner, guiding them to become Jedi Knights. Yoda was one of the strongest beings to ever exist in the Star Wars universe with his wisdom and mastery of the Force. Leading the Jedi and the Republic through countless conflicts since the days of the High Republic, none can equal this wise Jedi master's wealth of experience. With a curious personality and quick wit, Yoda is certainly a unique being, even before one considers the severe lack of information on his species. Over the years, Yoda trained virtually every member of the Jedi Order, imparting rare wisdom and serving as a confidant and valuable counsel. Yoda embodied some of the best traits of the Jedi with his kindness, compassion, and love of all life.

2. Anakin Skywalker


Anakin Skywalker was one of the greatest of the Jedi during the final days of the Republic. He was strong in the Force, with midi-chlorian levels never before seen by the Jedi. Headstrong and independent, he led the 501st Legion throughout the Clone Wars, claiming many victories for the Republic. Indisputably the best pilot in the Jedi Order, Anakin was also a master swordsman, adept at most forms of lightsaber combat. A seasoned practitioner of Djem So, Anakin would unleash a tirade of powerful, two handed strikes with his blade, setting his opponent on their heels. Trained to Knighthood by the great Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin was considered by many to be the Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force. Unfortunately, Anakin was swayed by the dark side and succumbed to the teachings of the Sith. He would be redeemed by his son Luke, however, and would fulfill the prophecy and prove he was the Chosen One.

1. Luke Skywalker


The son of the Chosen One and founder of the New Jedi Order, Luke Skywalker has been proclaimed the most powerful Jedi to ever exist by George Lucas himself. An exceptional starpilot, Luke destroyed the first Death Star and helped Wedge Antilles found Rogue Squadron. Luke was also a master of all seven forms of lightsaber combat, making him the most accomplished swordsman since his father. In Legends, Skywalker was strong enough in the Force to influence a black hole to consume an entire fleet that threatened the New Republic. Gifted with visions, Luke was able to see future events, and also shared a telepathic bond with his sister, Leia, allowing the two to communicate. Luke was key in ending the oppression of the Sith as he redeemed his father, Anakin Skywalker, turning him back to the light and helping him destroy Darth Sidious. With the death of Sidious and the turning of Darth Vader back to Anakin Skywalker, the Sith were destroyed and the Force was brought back into balance.

Source(s): Wookieepedia

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