‘Star Wars: Revelations' Will Tease The Future Of Star Wars Comics

Star Wars comics

“Always in motion is the future.”

These immortal words from Jedi Master Yoda still ring true for the Star Wars franchise. With movies, series, games, novels, and comics, the galaxy far, far away has never been larger. As new characters and worlds continue to grace our screens and pages, the potential for Star Wars storytelling has never felt more promising. This is especially true for the current Star Wars comics published by Marvel. Set in-between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, the current Star Wars comic series have each solidified their own identities and taken the Star Wars galaxy in new and exciting directions.

The mainline Star Wars comic from Charles Soule has been following Luke Skywalker on his journey to learn from Jedi of the past while Leia Organa leads the Rebellion against the Empire. Darth Vader by Greg Pak sees the Sith Lord having to make uneasy alliances in order to snuff out the reemerging Crimson Dawn and plot against Darth Sidious. Bounty Hunters by Ethan Sacks centers on a ragtag crew of mercenaries in their struggle against Crimson Dawn amidst trying to restabilize the criminal underworld. Doctor Aphra by Alyssa Wong focuses on the continuing misadventures of archaeologist Chelli Aphra, who is currently possessed by an ancient dark side artifact and will need help from all of her friends and enemies to survive.


In the middle of these four series is the epic Crimson Dawn trilogy from Charles Soule. Starring the new leader of Crimson Dawn, Lady Qi’ra, War of the Bounty Hunters and Crimson Reign have shown the crime syndicate returning to power and sowing chaos throughout the galaxy in the service of their ultimate goal; the assassination of Emperor Palpatine. Set to conclude with Hidden Empire later this year, this thrilling saga has catapulted Qi’ra into being one of the best villains in Star Wars canon and brought radically different corners of the Star Wars galaxy together into a complex and engaging plot. Though we have yet to reach conclusions for any of these comics, this hasn’t stopped Marvel from teasing the future of Star Wars comics as a whole.

On Thursday, August 11, Marvel revealed a new one-shot Star Wars comic issue that will hit store shelves this November. Written by Marc Guggenheim with art by Salvador Larroca and Paco Medina, Star Wars: Revelations will follow Darth Vader as he returns to Mustafar to speak with a being known as the Eye of Webbish Bog, who in turn will give the Dark Lord a glimpse of the stories yet to come for Star Wars comics. Marc Guggenheim himself explained the story as follows. “Now, we all know that the Force can be used to glimpse the present, the past, and possible futures. Well, The Eye is going to show Vader all of the above, including moments that will be coming into play in 2023 all across the Star Wars line. It’s our clever way of giving readers a preview of what everyone has up their sleeves for next year, but this isn’t a 40-page movie trailer. It’s a real Star Wars story with Vader at the center.”

Star Wars comic cover

Having Vader experience a vision of the future through the dark side is a clever way to give readers a glimpse of what the next few years of Star Wars comics will look like. Using the Eye of Webbish Bog is also a strong way to tie this issue into Darth Vader, as Vader visited the Eye in a previous issue and learned about the existence of Exegol. Now how specific these glimpses into the future will be have yet to be seen. While I’m sure there won’t be any major spoilers for upcoming storylines, the fact that we’re getting a comic devoted to seeing the future implies that there will be plenty of teases and small looks at the future to get fans ready for what the current Star Wars comics are leading to. But wherever Star Wars, Darth Vader, Bounty Hunters, Doctor Aphra, and Hidden Empire do end up going, they seem to be going down a path that I can definitely follow.



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