Star Wars Movies Ranked From Best to Worst


First and foremost, this in an opinion piece. At the end of the day every Star Wars is someone's favorite Star Wars and every fan thinks their favorite is the best. However this article will attempt to think of these Star Wars movies as just that, film, following the rules of filmmaking set out by a generation of art historians and film critics. Factors such as plot, theme, acting, and visuals are taken into account when ranking these wonderful movies that we all know and love. With that said, here are the Star Wars movies ranked from best to worst.

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1. Empires Strikes Back


What is there to say about The Empire Strikes Back that hasn’t been said before. Not only does it take what A New Hope does but it enhances it. It deepens the characters and the world of Star Wars. Any sequel in the Star Wars universe that can do that, and more, really must be the best Star Wars movie ever made. George Lucas along with Irvin Kirschner, Lawrence Kasdan, and Gary Kurtz should be proud of the work they have done

2. A New Hope

The one that started it all and the movie that was needed in 1977, this film went through a lot of turmoil but managed to become the pop culture sensation of its time. A simple story in a strange universe, A New Hope introduced us to icons that have lasted to this very day in Luke, Han, and Leia and spearheaded a franchise, the likes of which global pop culture has never seen before

3. The Last Jedi


If A New Hope started off Star Wars in simplicity and Empire Strikes Back added depth, the The Last Jedi takes it to it’s apex. A film about trauma, questioning the position of the Jedi, and subverting many of the common tropes that Star Wars is known for, The Last Jedi is the next evolution of Star Wars storytelling. Sometimes as time goes on things need to evolve and change, and that isn’t always easy for fans to accept. What was good in 1977 may not be good for today's modern movie going audience which may be more sophisticated. If something stays stagnant then it must evolve and The Last Jedi does that. But most important, when it comes to the character of Luke Skywalker, it reminds audiences that no matter how much we may look up to them, our heroes are still human too.

4. Rogue One


If Last Jedi was about evolving the themes and ideas of Star Wars then Rogue One evolves the world, much in the same way Empire Strikes Back did, by giving it some depth and context. Rogue One shows the time just before A New Hope in a whole new light. It shows just how divided and desperate the Rebellion is. How brutal the Empire can be. It gives us the gritty nature of the galaxy far, far, away while centering around a group of rogues and outcasts who undertake one grand mission that they might never even be remembered for. The climax of the film also features one of the best space battles in Star Wars history up to this point.

5. The Force Awakens


It’s hard to capture lighting in a bottle twice but with The Force Awakens, Star Wars did just. It was able to recapture the magic of Star Wars after being gone from the theaters for a decade. Giving us new and amazing characters in Rey, Finn, Poe and Kylo Ren, and kick off a new age of Star Wars. Not just as a trilogy but as a franchise with many, many years to come. Sure it has its pitfalls, like being too derivative of A New Hope in places, but as a fun exciting start to a new trilogy, Force Awakens delivers.

6. Revenge of the Sith


George Lucas’s magnum opus, his final foray into the galaxy far, far, away, The fall of a Republic, the fall of a hero, the rise of an Empire, the rise of a Dark Lord. Revenge of the Sith is a culmination of things many have wanted to see. Anakin fall, Palpatine's declaration of the new galactic Empire, and the amazing duel on Mustafar between Anakin and Obi-Wan. Sure things may happen a bit too quickly with Anakin's turn but it is still an amazing piece of work to watch. This will always have a special place in many Star Wars fans' hearts.

7. Return of the Jedi

The end of the original trilogy, the culmination of the first two movies, Return of the Jedi is a fun, yet flawed film. It’s first act can feel a bit filler when compared to the other two acts, minus rescuing Han Solo, and the second act drags a bit. However, why Return of the Jedi is so remembered is because thematically it is the core of what Star Wars is. A story of redemption, a story of family, a story of love. We see Luke Skywalker truly embrace the way of the Jedi. In many ways Return of the Jedi is probably the truest of true Star Wars movies.

8. Solo

A fun romp, telling the story of Han Solo’s early years. This movie not only gives us some good character backstory but also some exceptional worldbuilding, as well as giving us fun new characters in Qi'ra and Beckett. A fun romp for a fun guy like Han Solo.

9. The Rise of Skywalker


The end of the Saga, the end of Rey and Kylo Ren's stories. It is fast paced and fun, but Finn and Poe get sidelined and Rose doesn’t really get anything to do. However, it is also a very heartwarming film with some of the highest highs of Star Wars, and a lot of great moments concluding in a very epic way. Maybe not the best, but certainly a lot of fun, especially seeing these lovable characters one more time.

10. The Phantom Menace


The start of a new era, Phantom Menace ushered in the prequel era, giving us new worlds and expanding on the universe in a way no other Star Wars film had done. While it does suffer from a bit of a identity crisis on who is the main character, it is the prequel that is the most fun, the most adventurous, and the one that captured that original trilogy tone and feel.

11. Attack of The Clones

Last doesn’t mean least when it comes to Star Wars, but one has to be at the bottom by default. But don’t let that fool you, Attack of the Clones still has many positives to it. Sure it’s romance plot is a bit forced, but the mystery of the Kaminoans and the world of Geonosis make up for some of it's shortcomings. It is also the film with the most interesting lore to be expanded upon later on, such as the mystery of Master Sifo-Dyas. Thus even if it’s at the bottom, this film is still obviously worth a watch.

All Star Wars films are someone's favorite, or someone's best, don’t let a ranking tell you otherwise. Star Wars is Star Wars at the end of the day, and that’s why we love it, and the galaxy far, far, away.

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