10 Of The Funniest Quotes From Revenge Of The Sith

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"This is where the fun begins"

Out of all 12 Star Wars movies (including The Clone Wars feature) Episode III: Revenge of The Sith is probably the one that the word “fun” is least associated with. The fall of the Republic and the rise of the Empire, Order 66 and the end of the Jedi Order, Anakin’s betrayal and fall to the dark side, Padme’s death and a crushed and burning Vader on the shore of a lava river. All this is not intended to put a smile on one’s face. But amidst all this gravity and tragedy, George Lucas and his script doctor, Tom Stoppard, still managed to sneak a handful of funny quotes into the final chapter of the prequel trilogy. Today we are looking at 10 of them, in no particular order:

1. “What about the Droid attack on the Wookiees?”

Ki-Adi-Mundi’s concern for the fate of the planet Kashyyyk is not funny per-se. But the holographic image of the Jedi Master and his quote has been put into so many memes, often completely out of context, that it deserves at least an honorable mention on this list.


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2. “Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth…Vader.”

Again, this scene is by no means funny at all. Anakin has just helped kill Mace Windu and has pledged his loyalty to Darth Sidious. Still, the Sith Lord’s hesitation between the words “Darth” and “Vader” makes you think that Sidious has had no idea what he should call his new apprentice and was in this moment frantically trying to come up with something clever.

3. “What? Oh, no.”

C-3PO’s learning that his memory banks will be wiped at the end of the movie surely lends credence to his belief that droids are made to suffer.

4. “We have a job to do Anakin. Try not to upset him.”

The first, but certainly not the last quote from Obi-Wan Kenobi on this list. After Anakin’s mocking of General Grievous’ height (or lack thereof), his master reminds him that the two Jedi have come to rescue Chancellor Palpatine.

5. “We lost something.” “Not to worry. We are still flying half a ship.”

Neither Anakin nor Obi-Wan seem too worried when the back-half of the Invisible Hand suddenly disintegrates and the remainder of the ship tumbles down into Coruscant’s atmosphere with the two Jedi and the Chancellor of the Republic onboard.

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6. “Easy! We’re in a bit of a situation.” “Did I miss something?”

When Obi-Wan regains consciousness after having been knocked out by Count Dooku, he finds himself hanging beneath his former Padawan inside a seemingly bottomless elevator shaft, while Anakin tries not to lose his grip.

7. “Ugh! So uncivilized.”

After killing Grievous with his own blaster, Obi-Wan tosses the weapon away in disgust and obviously wishes to have his more elegant lightsaber returned.


8. “I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi.”

Again, Mace Windu’s realization that something evil is going on in the galaxy is not the funny thing here. What is funny, is that it took the Jedi Master more than a decade to come to the conclusion that the reemergence of the Sith might be an indication that they plan to crush the Jedi.

9. “Wait a minute. How did this happen? We’re smarter than this.” “Apparently not.”

When Anakin and Obi-Wan are suddenly caught in a ray shield cage onboard Grievous’ flagship, they come to realize that walking straight into the lair of their enemy probably wasn't the smartest idea.

10. “Hello there!”

This list would not be complete without Obi-Wan’s self-introduction to General Grievous on Utapau, before the two enemies start a rather short lightsaber battle and a rather long chase through the innards of the sink-hole planet.

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