'Star Wars' Fans Have Just Recently Heard Harrison Ford's Priceless Response To Force Ghost Question


Yes, even a year later, we are still talking about Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker. Though, to be fair, there is a quote from an interview about the movie that has, strangely, not spread a whole lot across the internet until recently. This interview with Harrison Ford was published by USA Today all the way back in February. More like USA Yesterday in this instance, am I right? (Okay, that was a lame joke. I apologize.)

For context, the question that Ford was asked pertains to a scene in the film during which Ben Solo has a final conversation with his deceased father, Han Solo. Right before this moment, we say his mother Leia lie down and use the Force to get through to her son somehow. Since Ben Solo killed his own father at the beginning of the trilogy, it would make sense if Leia were creating a projection of Ben's father so that he could forgive himself for the awful deed that he has done. During Ben's conversation with Han, there is mention that Han still lives on in Ben's memory, seemingly hinting that Han is not really there. However, some fans would prefer to believe that Han is still there somehow. Perhaps Leia could have even reached into the netherworld of the Force in order to bring him back, since it may not be as easy for a dead person who had no Jedi training to do that.

So in the interview from USA Today, a journalist asked Harrison Ford whether or not Han Solo returned as a Force ghost. Ford's response was priceless:

"I have no f*****g idea what a Force Ghost is, and I don’t care."

Many fans found this response to be hilarious. It is no secret that Harrison Ford has not had as much of a reverence for Star Wars as some fans might have preferred for him to have. During The Empire Strikes Back, he was not sure whether there was more story for Han after that film. He has said that he finds Indiana Jones to be a more interesting character than Han Solo. When Ford miraculously agreed to return for The Force Awakens, many suspected that Han Solo would probably die, given Ford's history with the franchise. When he returned, he actually managed to play the role very well, not just phoning it in. It was an even bigger surprise to many that he returned for The Rise of Skywalker. He could have declined, but there is something to be said for his willingness to be back for that scene. Perhaps the passing of Carrie Fisher had a lot to do with it. Whatever flaws The Rise of Skywalker had, many fans found this scene to be a strong point of the film.

But all that aside, it seems that Ford is pretty much done with the franchise. He has done his part, and no longer cares very much, it seems. And really, that seemed to be the attitude of some viewers around the time that the USA Today article came out. People felt worn out by the shortcomings of The Rise of Skywalker, so it is no wonder that this interview did not gain much attention. It is only until recently, when the Twitter account Star Wars Facts (@SWTweets) shared the quote that it has gotten much attention. And fans laughed, some finding it amusing that Mark Hamill displays love for the franchise while Ford can express the complete opposite. However Ford may feel about the franchise at this moment, his contributions are very much appreciated.

Source(s): Cinema Blend


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