‘Flash’ Stunt Crew Shirt Hints At Major Villain


Ezra Miller’s The Flash will finally make its way to theaters in November 2022. This film had a rough start but all seems to be on the right track now. While set photos have been leaked, the one thing that has remained on the down-low is the identity of the main villain of the movie. A photo released by a stunt crew member over the weekend showed a design of Supergirl, Batman, and an odd Flash design that may have gone unnoticed to the untrained eye. However, if you look carefully the design is less like The Flash and more akin to a certain villain.

There has been no other villainous reveal up to this point and given the multiverse nature of the movie’s plot, the villain Black Flash would fit that potential storyline well. Black Flash essentially serves as Death that a Speedster sees right before being returned to the Speedforce. The character was seen before the death of Johnny Quick and Barry Allen in the comics.

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Created by Grant Morrison, Mark Millar, and Ron Wagner, the villain originally appeared in The Flash #141. It has often been theorized that Barry Allen himself is the Black Flash and that would be the most plausible storyline for this movie. Perhaps Black Flash is chasing our Barry Allen due to the fact that he has made many severe changes to the timeline including making sure his mother’s death never occurred. 

It does lend to the theory that this movie is fully embracing the multiverse and with that comes Barry's connection to the Speed Force. The idea of the multiverse could also be how Ben Affleck's Batman could depart and Michael Keaton could become the main Batman of the DCEU. Several times in the past, Black Flash had taken the wrong person or the person it was chasing was able to evade death. 

It is also entirely possible that the villain of the movie ends up being someone else entirely. As fans know, Eobard Thawne, aka. the Reverse Flash, is responsible for the death of Barry's mother in the comics. Thawne has also been known to try and manipulate Barry in various ways including changing his looks and many different aspects of the timeline along the way.

In my opinion, The Flash has the second deepest roster of rogues to choose from. Batman is the only hero that comes to mind when you think about a vast and ever-expanding rogues gallery. It seems to me if Black Flash were to be the main antagonist of the film, it may be alongside a familiar face or two from Barry’s best. It would be very cool to see him fight a rogue before heading off on the adventure through time and dimensions. Given that Barry is set to be introduced to the world of crime, another rogue that comes to mind is Bloodwork. Ramsey Russo uses crime lab resources to try and cure a rare disease and ultimately ends up making himself a villain name Bloodwork instead.

There are clearly plenty of awesome choices for The Flash’s villain in his first-ever solo adventure on the big screen. Any of the choices brought up would look amazing in live-action and would definitely expand the Flash lore within the DCEU continuity. November is fast approaching and a trailer could drop very soon to provide some more clarity on who The Flash will be facing.

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Source(s): CBR

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