Lucasfilm Announces New Han Solo And Chewbacca Series Coming From Marvel Comics

Usually if people see the words "Han Solo" and "Marvel" in the same sentence, they think they don’t go together and someone printed something wrong. However, Marvel comics actually makes Star Wars comic series, and they have a new one coming out that stars two of Star Wars fans’ favorite characters: Han Solo and Chewbacca.

The Star Wars galaxy’s favorite pilot and smuggler and Wookie co-pilot are going to be starring in their own adventure that will launch in March of 2022. exclusively revealed that the comic, titled Han Solo & Chewbacca, will be a new series by Marvel. It is written by Marc Guggenheim and penciled by David Messina. The comic will be a monthly one, although we aren’t sure yet how many months the story will stretch over.

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Han Solo & Chewbacca will follow the story of Han and Chewie a few years before the events of Star Wars: A New Hope, and quite a few years after the events of Solo: A Star Wars Story. During the comic arc, Solo and Chewbacca will team up with Greedo, who, as we know, Han Solo shoots first in Star Wars: A New Hope. Apparently, in the comic series, Han’s relationship with Greedo is much better than it is when we meet Greedo in A New Hope. The three team up for a heist for Jabba the Hutt, although what that heist is still remains to be seen. Whatever the storyline, it will be good to see Han and Chewie in action again. This exclusive reveal by has fans very excited for what is to come. talked with Marc Guggenheim about the tension that Han Solo has inside during this comic series. Guggenheim also talked about what he has in store for Han and Chewie and how Star Wars changed his life.

“It’s interesting because the cornerstone of Han’s character is that he wants to be a jerk, a selfless criminal, but has this idealistic streak that always gets in his way. He aspires to cynicism, but deep down, he’s a hopeless romantic at heart. Now, you might think that that inner conflict didn’t present itself until the end of 'Episode IV', when Han returns to help Luke destroy the Death Star, but it’s already on full display at the end of 'Solo: A Star Wars Story', which, of course, predates 'Episode IV'. So one of the things I’ve been playing with is the tension between the “hopeless romantic” Han reveals himself to be at the end of 'Solo' and the hard-bitten cynic we meet in 'Episode IV'. To be very reductive about it, I’ve searched for opportunities to force Han to choose between his lesser and greater angels.”

Guggenheim added some of his thoughts in the interview about Chewie’s character in the new comic series as well, including a reveal that there will be a future issue to look forward to that will be entirely from Chewbacca’s point of view.

“Chewbacca’s been alive hundreds of years longer than Han. He tries to offer Han the benefit of his experience, to offer a more evolved perspective on things, but Han usually goes his own way. And the thing is, Chewie is just fine with that. He’s good to go with the flow and let Han call the shots because he knows that, no matter what, Han’s got his back. Chewie’s an interesting character to write, obviously, because he only speaks Shyriiwook, so a lot of this I have to get out by dint of the circumstances Han and Chewie find themselves in, as well as Han’s reactions to what Chewie is saying. I’m gonna be doing a future issue exclusively from Chewbacca’s point of view, so that should be a lot of fun. Hopefully, we can get into Chewie’s head in a way we never have seen before.”

Guggenheim added some little hints about what the comic series will be about and the structure of each issue, including his plan to end each issue on a cliffhanger.

“At its most basic, the story is Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid but with Han and Chewie as Butch and Sundance. In the first issue, Jabba the Hutt gives them what should be an easy job: Steal something and bring it back to him. But the job turns out to be anything but easy as everything that can go wrong promptly does. I’ve structured the story such that each issue ends with some kind of cliffhanger. Sometimes, it’s a revelation; other times it’s placing Han and/or Chewie in an impossible spot, but either way, each issue ends with a plot reversal that drives you to the next issue. I’m particularly excited about the last page of issue one. The story takes a turn that, if I’ve played my cards right, is completely inevitable yet totally unexpected. Either way, it’s definitely going to have people talking.”

Guggenheim also revealed that besides seeing Greedo in issue one, we may also be seeing some original new faces, and maybe a few older known ones as well.

“Whenever I work with someone else’s intellectual property, I always strive to have my cake and eat it too. It’s 'Star Wars', so of course I want to play with the toys in the toy box. For example, in issue one, Jabba sends Greedo on the job with Han and Chewie, and we get a better sense of why there’s so much animosity between them in 'Episode IV'. T’Onga from 'Bounty Hunters' is also part of the story, along with a few other characters who have been established in the comics. Then there’s the character who we meet at the end of issue one, who no one will see coming. At the same time, I always like to make some contributions of my own, so the series will also introduce a few new faces, including a “Marshal” — think the corporate equivalent of a bounty hunter — who is going to be hunting Han and Chewie and be a real thorn in their side. That character’s my tip of the hat to the “super posse” in Butch and Sundance and they’re simply a blast to write. David Messina has come up with an incredible, iconic design for them that’s going to blow people away.”

Guggenheim told that he is incredibly excited to be at the helm of the first ever Han Solo and Chewbacca comic adventure series. And fans are excited as well. It is about time that we got a series dedicated to two of the most exciting and riveting characters in the galaxy. Plus, being pilots and smugglers? They definitely have all sorts of adventures they have been on.

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