‘Kick-Ass’ And ‘The Kings Man’ Director Reveals He Would Love To Make A ‘Star Wars’ Movie

When it comes to adapting big-time comic book movies, one has to look no further than Matthew Vaughn to see how it is done. While he has found success with Kick-Ass and X-Men: First Class, one series of films has always drawn the director's attention; Star Wars. Vaughn has even found success with his own series Kingsman, which blends his signature wit with the spy genre for a thrilling action-adventure. Already on the third movie in the series, Vaughn has spoken out recently about how he will always love the Star Wars movies but felt the latest trilogy did not live up to expectations.

"If you'd asked me that 10 years ago, I would have given Kingsman to Lucasfilm for free to get a go shooting a Star Wars film. So yes, I would have loved to [have] done a Star Wars film, which was part of the Skywalker Saga, is all I can say. It sort of feels like that's been decimated, or whatever the word is for that thing. But yeah, Star Wars is a really important movie to me. I mean, I thought I liked films, and then I saw Star Wars...So, never say never...So the answer is, if they really wanted a new, proper Star Wars film, a proper one, a Star Wars movie that could be its own thing, I wouldn't say no, just have a go with a lightsaber...So, I don't know. When they were looking for a director for the next Indiana Jones, it did pique my interest. I was like, "Oh my God, to make an Indy would be great." But Star Wars, yeah, I think out of all the IP I'm not involved with, Star Wars would always get my attention. If they rang -- they've never rang me up, they've got no interest in working with me, just to be very clear. I think I'm probably a little bit too -- what's the word? -- Maverick, maybe? But I promise, if I did it, I would do -- I'm not saying no one tries to make a good film, a bad film -- but I would be meticulous on trying to protect the legacy of something that I fell in love with movies for. So the answer is a very long-winded answer. But yes, I'd like to."

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Vaughn has also said that he would love to reboot Kick-Ass, the series that really boosted his career in a few years. Vaughn has said there have always been ideas kicking around for that series, and once the rights revert back, there is no telling what may come next for the street-level hero known for kicking ass.

"It's so f****** nuts that I can't talk about it," he said. "But we've got that ready to go. All the rights revert back in two years and then we're going to reboot it where people will be like, he is insane."

It's nice to see Vaughn still carrying that passion for Kick-Ass and coming up with new ways to reinvent what has since become a subgenre of superhero action films with gritty action and foul language at the forefront. Kick-Ass remains one of the best comic book movies to fully embrace the R-rating. Vaughn says he has no idea who may take on the titular role yet and even hints that we may see a female Kick-Ass take up the mantle.

"I'm not saying it hasn't got the characters in it and won't have, you know, I'm just saying it's not what anyone could be imagining what it is. And I'm going to need one very, very brave actor or actress to play the new Kick-Ass because it will scare the shit out of them."

Vaughn’s conversations with both Screen Rant and IGN have people talking, and it will be fascinating to see what he comes up with next. Whether he dives back into Kick-Ass, continues with spies, or takes a trip to a galaxy far, far away, one thing is for sure, the film will be authentically and unapologetically a Matthew Vaughn film from start to finish.


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