Is Lucasfilm Testing The Waters For A Full CGI Luke Skywalker Series?

WARNING – The Following Contains Spoilers For Episode 6 Of The Book Of Boba Fett

Ever since the teaser at the end of Season 2 of The Mandalorian, fans have been super hyped for one of the galaxy's most famous bounty hunters to receive his own show; however, the show has received some mixed reviews from the fandom. Most of the negativity comes from the apparent change in the character's personality and the story being slow to build up to anything.

Many have also expressed some confusion over the fact that the show's last two episodes have seen a lack of Boba Fett, instead focusing on the character of Djin Djarin from The Mandalorian. Still, perhaps there is a much deeper reason behind this?

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Instead of there being a bunch of different shows focusing on specific characters, I believe Disney is trying to create one big story, merging all the characters together. Think the MCU, but Star Wars TV shows, each of which connects to the rest. The Book of Boba Fett is a spin-off of The Mandalorian, so it does make sense for Djarin to show up here, and it seems to be helping set up season 3 of The Mandalorian as well. The idea of one big story seems more prevalent when you consider who also showed up in chapter 6 – Ahsoka, Grogu, and Luke Skywalker himself. Despite not being linked explicitly to Boba's story, they are still receiving some expansion to keep them relevant. I think their inclusion also hints at a potential future project that has been brought up many times over the last couple of years.

We know Ahsoka will be getting her own show continuing her story. With the latest episode of The Book of Boba Fett showing she has established a relationship with Luke, it wouldn't be a stretch to believe he may show up in her show with Grogu, but there just seems to be something else at play here. It would have been easy to just have Luke, Ahsoka, and Grogu appear in a minor cameo role, but instead, this episode seemed to have a specific focus on them. Why?

We not only saw Luke training Grogu, which called beautifully back to his own training with Yoda on Dagobah during The Empire Strikes Back (flip and all), but there seemed to be a lot of focus on the building of his Jedi Temple seen in flashbacks during the sequel trilogy. The episode also ends with Luke presenting Grogu with the choice to follow the Jedi path or accept Djarin's gift and follow him instead. Considering there is only one episode of The Book of Boba Fett left, it's doubtful we will see the end to this specific arc in that episode, so it needs to be answered somewhere; otherwise, why do it?

This leads me to believe that Lucasfilm/Disney is teasing a young Luke Skywalker series somewhere in the near future. Now, one might argue that Grogu's story will continue in season 3 of The Mandalorian, but that seems unlikely. Once Djarin is done helping Boba Fett on Tatooine, he will likely return to Mandalore to atone for removing his helmet as advised by the armorer. Ahsoka also explains to him that Grogu seeing him again will make it harder for him, so he is better off staying away. It would seem a little silly for him to accept that at the time then decide against it later on. If Grogu chooses not to become a Jedi, this could make it feasible for him to appear in season 3, but again, this wouldn't make a lot of sense from a storytelling perspective.

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Plot details for the Ahsoka show are unknown, but based on her appearances thus far, her series will likely focus on her hunt for Grand Admiral Thrawn and, by extension, Ezra Bridger, which would leave little room for them to explore Grogu's story further. This means, logically, the only possible way for us to see any conclusion to the character story is via a show focusing on him or Luke, and Luke's makes the most sense. This would allow for an expansion to Grogu's story and let us see Luke begin to rebuild his Jedi Order, potentially leading us up to the point it is destroyed as we saw in the sequel trilogy. Grogu is more important to the Star Wars story than many fans realize. He is present at the time of Order 66, and his presence in these shows confirms he was also around during the events of the original trilogy. A Luke Skywalker show could cover his growth and perhaps explain why he is missing from the sequel trilogy. Despite the fact the character was created after the sequel trilogy, his existence does cause an anomaly.

One of the other main points supporting a Luke Skywalker show comes from the amount of effort in CGI technology. Luke's cameo in The Mandalorian came under some scrutiny as it didn't look the best, and you could tell something wasn't quite right, but when you look at it in The Book of Boba Fett, you would be completely forgiven for believing it was, in fact, a young Mark Hamill. It is much clearer, sharper, and more realistic than anything we've ever seen before. This seems like a lot of effort for a short appearance in a TV show. Why all the effort? As with anything related to Star Wars nowadays, it all needs to be taken with a pinch of salt, but, to me anyway, it just seems random if not leading to something else, and I would gladly welcome a show focusing on young Luke.

What do you think? Do you think a young Luke Skywalker show is on the cards? Be sure to let us know your thoughts.

Until next time!

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