Is Anthony Mackie Preparing For Another Big Marvel Appearance?

Cap Falcon.png

It has only been a few weeks since The Falcon and The Winter Soldier finale aired, but this hasn't stopped fans from speculating what the future has in store for the characters involved and how he will fit into the MCU moving forward. Now that Mackie's Sam Wilson seems to have finally accepted the role of the new Captain America, as per the finale, it seems only logical that he will show up again, but when?

Recently, we brought you an update confirming Captain America 4 has indeed been greenlit. However, Mackie stated that he was not contacted by anyone at Marvel regarding it; he found out whilst out shopping. Again, logic would dictate that he will be involved in it, but with no sign of a release date, fans have been left to wonder what's next for him in the interim period.

Thanks to an interview with The Daily Show's Trevor Noah, we may have been given a sneaky little update as to when we will see Mackie again, and it could be soon. During the interview, they discuss the routine involved for getting into shape to play the Marvel character, and Mackie states it usually takes around four months. He also confirms he is already in preparation for the next one when he says:

"You take the four months. Like right now, I am at the end of first month of the four-month process to get back away from fat Mackie to movie Mackie."

Considering Captain America 4 has just been given the go ahead and no other Falcon/Cap storylines in sight, it's highly possible that this means he will join one of the upcoming Marvel Studios projects due to the start of filming in the next few months, or he could be joining one partway through. Considering the training he goes through to get into shape, it's highly unlikely that he will show up for a mere cameo, so it's very likely he will play a fairly substantial part in the project. Similar to Robert Downey Jr. in Homecoming perhaps?

It's worth noting that he may also be referring to a random project with nothing to do with Marvel. However, from what he says during the interview, it appears that this is a routine specific to preparing for a Marvel project. This means that we may see Sam's version of Cap show up much sooner than expected, possibly alongside older and/or newer heroes.

You can check out the interview with Trevor Noah below:

As always, we will keep you updated as more news unfolds.

Until next time!

Source(s): Murphy’s Multiverse

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