Howard Stern Leaks That He Is Involved In A Marvel Project Centered Around Dr. Doom

Before even Iron Man, comic book fans have been clamoring for a good representation of Doctor Doom on the big screen. After three attempts outside of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), they are still waiting. In a potential “hot mic” moment, American radio personality Howard Stern may have leaked that he is involved in an upcoming Doctor Doom project.

During a commercial break on The Howard Stern Show, co-host Robin Quivers asked Stern what his summer plans were:

Monkey: "Ok, Kevin Feigeman (sp) from the office called and wants to know if that schedule works for you."
Robin: "Kevin Feigeman, I've never heard that name before."
Murray: "I think he means Kevin..."
Stern: "Kevin Feige, Gary. Tell him it works but they're going over the schedule with me and it's gonna suck."
Robin to Stern: "Are you working this summer?"
Stern: "Well, I'm gonna do 'Doctor Doom.' But believe me, I'm [expletive] miserable about it."


Now Stern is obviously known for his pranks and his bold personality so this could all be a joke. However, there is a precedent for celebs playing themselves in Marvel projects. The in-universe public also wants to know more about our heroes (and villains). He could perhaps be playing a version of himself interviewing the Latverian regent who is rumored to appear in Black Panther II in a minor role. This scenario is similar to The Books of Doom where Big Vic shares his life story with a journalist. You might think that this does not sound very Doom, and you would be correct! The “Doom” relaying the story is actually a Doombot, and the journalist is then locked in the dungeons of Castle Doom in deepest Doomstadt. Now, THAT is very Doom.

Whatever capacity Stern is involved in, this is the first tangible suggestion that the good Doctor could be heading to either the big screen or a multi-part series on the smaller screen.

Either way, as the man himself says Doom is supreme!It’s not quite Baba Booey, but it’s close.

Doctor Victor Von Doom



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