First Thoughts On ‘Loki’: “The Variant”


Welcome back Marvel fans, Wednesday has come and gone and with it the glorious second episode of the newest Marvel Series Loki. Like WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier before it, fans are absolutely loving the series. However, there is something different about it for me. It might have been Hiddleston's performance or the fact that I just genuinely love the character though. Somehow it just feels like both the actor and character fit into the television world so well. Before we discuss what happened in this week's episode, as always, SPOILER ALERT. If you have not watched it yet, do not keep reading. If you have, let's get going.

Last week's episode introduced us to the Time Variance Authority (TVA) who are basically police that ensure people do not mess up the main Marvel Cinematic Universe timeline or the "Sacred Timeline." If someone does (a Variant), the TVA show up, arrest them, then reset everything as if it never happened, simple. However, a rogue variant was killing off Minutemen (the arresting officers) throughout various points in time, and no one knew why. Owen Wilson's character, Agent Mobius, brought in Loki, who had been arrested following his escape from 2012 during Endgame. At the end of last week's episode, it was revealed that Loki was used in this endeavor because he was the variant who did the killing. This cliffhanger left fans a little confused and also desperate to find out what happens next.


This week's episode picked up with Loki joining the team on the hunt for the killer, much to the chagrin of others on the team (he even gets his own special TVA jacket), and the TVA explaining that the lethal variant was actually another version of Loki. Apparently they had dealt with many other version of him in the past. That made sense to me as he is the God of Mischief after all. With Loki in tow, the Minutemen arrive at the scene of the latest killing only to find the variant gone, but this time with a Minutemen hostage, which caused concern for everyone.

As the episode continued, we saw more of the new relationship between Mobius and Loki. Mobius continued to break Loki down, causing the arrogant god to question himself more and more as he did his best to fire back. I have to say, the chemistry between Wilson and Hiddleston is absolutely on point. Both are able to share quite intimate conversations while throwing in the odd insult, which is an absolute joy to watch.

Tasked with reviewing files on the different Loki variations, our "main" Loki stumbled upon a file documenting the destruction of Asgard through the event Ragnarok. For a brief moment, the selfish character appeared genuinely sad at the thought of Asgard and his people's destruction. As remorseful as he may seem, the information allowed him to develop a theory, which he hilariously explained to Mobius using his salad. Using what he has learned from the TVA thus far, Loki stated an event such as this, which was always going to happen, meant one could do whatever they wanted in the moments leading up to it, and it would not cause any branches in the timeline. The reason being, everything would be destroyed, so no matter what anyone did, their actions would be erased by the event. Thus, the variant was likely hiding throughout time in the moments prior to these events. Something they could do repeatedly. Both Loki and Mobius then tested the theory by travelling to Pompei, a few minutes before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, and Loki started causing his usual mischief. Mobius confirmed his actions did not cause any branches in the timeline, effectively proving Loki's theory.


With this in mind, both of them begin trifling through various other events in time in which the other Loki could hide. Our Loki came across a report of a massive hurricane in Alabama in the year 2050, in which an entire superstore is destroyed with all those inside killed. Mobius took the information to Ravonna, asking for a task force to go after the alternate Loki. At first she was understandably skeptical, but agreed in the end. Loki, Mobius, and the Minutemen then traveled to this point in time, armed and dangerous.


At the store, the alternate Loki used their power to possess innocent people and distract the pursuers. One engaged in a fight with the main Loki, Being true to his character, Loki Prime offered his other self a deal, explaining his plan is to overthrow the time-keepers and take control of the TVA for themselves. The alternate Loki was uninterested as they had had their own plans. We saw various TVA devices set up throughout the store with Loki believing this to be an attempt at blowing them all up. However, it turned out to be much worse. Mobius found the Minuteman who was taken hostage at the beginning of the episode. She then explained where and how to find the other time-keepers.

We cut back to Loki where the other Loki finally revealed themselves. Much to my, and other fans' surprise, this Loki turned out to be a female who stated it was not "about you" before escaping through a time portal as the devices "went off." Rather than causing any sort of explosion, the devices disappeared and we cut to the TVA. Everyone panicked when they realized they were attacking the main timeline, causing loads of new, alternate timelines to appear. Our Loki followed her through the time portal it closed, leaving Mobius behind.


From the first two episodes alone, we could see series focusing on a very interesting character arc. He seemed to be developing a close bond with Mobius, wanting to help, but just could not give up who he was as he tried to work for the greater good. It was also clear he was beginning to question himself, his actions, and where he would fit in the grand scheme of things. As always though, he was plotting and planning something. Would it really be Loki if he was not? The conversation between the two Loki's thus far highlighted the conflict within Loki. It would be really good to see how this would develop throughout the rest of the show. It also remained to be seen what this new female Loki would bring to the table. This reveal, while seemingly a bit random, was actually a nice nod to the Norse god who inspired the Marvel character. After all, Loki was said to be both male and female in Norse mythology.

With each episode running about the 50 minutes, it felt like watching mini-movies. With so much happening in these mini-movies, one could only imagine how the series would end. Based on this episode ending with the creation of different timeline branches, the show would lead nicely into Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. The rumors of a Doctor Strange cameo may not be as much of a stretch as once thought. One thing I noticed was

Lady Loki's words before her escape. These were the exact same words said by the Ancient One while in astral form to Doctor Strange before she died. We all know Marvel do not do these kinds of things by accident. Could this be another link to the Doctor's sequel?

No matter what happens next, the show is continuing the success of the two which proceeded it. Despite the MCU being around for over a decade now, fans are showing absolutely no signs of wanting it to end anytime soon. Thankfully, Marvel/Disney seem to be thinking the same.

What did you think of the episode? Be sure to tell us your thoughts.

Until next time!

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