DEBUNKED: No, Sebastian Stan Is Not Playing Young Luke Skywalker (Yet)


The Mandalorian season 2 finale came and went, and the biggest thing being talked about is the appearance of one Luke Skywalker. To some, this was a very welcome return for the character, seeing him in his prime once again in the years following the original trilogy era. However, one point of contention among some viewers has been the effectiveness of the CGI used to bring the character to life. While Max Lloyd-Jones was the body double for this new popular sequence, Mark Hamill provided voice work, and CGI was used to put his face over Max Lloyd-Jones'. Your mileage may very on just how well this worked.

Naturally, this has raised questions about whether or not we may see Luke Skywalker in this era again. After all, he has Grogu now, and there is no way that we have seen the last of him on this series, right? Well, it seems that the website known as FandomWire is reporting that there is a Luke Skywalker series in early development for Disney+, and that it is possible that Sebastian Stan may take up the role. For a long time, fans on the internet have been saying that Sebastian Stan shares a resemblance with Mark Hamill. (I personally do not think he looks a whole lot like him and that the Photoshop trickery is what convinces people more than anything.) While CGI was used to recreate the look of a younger Luke Skywalker, it was probably really expensive, and the people behind the stories would probably not want to do this all the time. Even the little time that we got was not enough to convince everyone that it was perfect. However, there is very little basis for the idea that this is happening at the moment. Strictly speaking, nothing is set in stone until Lucasfilm announces that it is going forward, and there are not really many reputable sites reporting that it is officially happening, but rather that it is a rumor of what could possibly happen.

Look, I get it. People grew up on the Luke Skywalker who was depicted in Legends as, for the most part, taking charge as leader of a new iteration of the Jedi Order. For some, seeing him as a cynical person in The Last Jedi was tough to swallow, even though he did return to form at the end of the film. And this sequence in The Mandalorian feels like an olive branch for those who wanted to see Luke "ignite the green" in a way that does not involve him considering the option of killing his own nephew. A Luke Skywalker series could be interesting. However, it is best to take this all with a grain of salt. Even if this was in development, a lot could happen that would make such a series with Sebastian Stan not happen.

If there ever were to be a Luke Skywalker series, I would be open to having Sebastian Stan play the character. That being said, in this recent season finale of The Mandalorian, I think that the creatives missed the trick by not having Max Lloyd-Jones himself be the face of Luke Skywalker. Having already gotten my fill seeing Mark Hamill return as Luke Skywalker in the sequel trilogy, I did not need him to be the face and the voice again. It is possible that Max Lloyd-Jones could have portrayed the character very well. These characters that we have come to love are comparable to beloved comic book characters. They might be drawn a little bit differently depending on the artist, but each illustration can still convey the essence of the character. I think Max Lloyd-Jones could potentially be another candidate if Lucasfilm is ever looking to make a Luke Skywalker series. But again, such a thing is not concrete at the moment. So it is best not to hold your breath, and to just appreciate what we have gotten so far.


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