Star Wars Reveals Alternative Death Scene For Princess Leia

It is safe to say that Leia has had a bit of a resurgence of prominence in Star Wars recently. From the beginning of the sequel trilogy to recent novels and comics, Leia has become more integral to the plot of Star Wars than she was in the original trilogy. New information has also been revealed retroactively about her character in the original trilogy. Call it retconning or call it character exposition, it is a great time to be a fan of Princess/General Leia. Unfortunately, this boom of Leia content comes posthumously from Carrie Fisher and the character of Princess Leia. Despite the beloved Carrie Fisher passing away before The Rise of Skywalker, she was able to appear in the film due to unreleased footage. However, her death in that film was almost completely different from the final product seen in the film. 

Star Wars concept artist Phil Saunders recently revealed concept art via his Instagram that showed Leia’s death in her stateroom on the Tantive IV next to a medical droid. He captioned the image with “Another concept from The Rise of Skywalker. An earlier version of the script placed Leia’s death in her stateroom on the Tantive IV in transit. At the moment of her passing, a comet was supposed to streak past her window. I shaped the stateroom to telegraph its location in the Blockade Runner, just under the cockpit in the hammerhead.”

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It makes sense for her death to take place on the Tantive IV. That is where Leia was first introduced in the original trilogy. For her last appearance to be on that ship would bring everything full circle. There is a circular theme to Star Wars, and The Rise of Skywalker follows that theme. It is understandable they would want to continue that with Leia’s death. 

Carrie Fisher’s death was a heartbreaking moment for fans of the genre, pop culture, and cinema everywhere. Princess Leia’s death was also a tragic moment for fans because of the loss of a character that had been a part of the series since its inception. During Rey’s fight with Kylo Ren in The Rise of Skywalker, Kylo hears his mother calling his name through the Force. Rey is able to get the upper hand and stabs Kylo through the chest with a lightsaber. At the same moment, Leia takes her final breath as life leaves her body. In the movie, she passes away in the Resistance base on Ajan Kloss. However, it is interesting to think that it almost happened on her original ship and how that could have changed scenes revolving around her death in the final film.

There could be any number of reasons why placing the scene on the Tantive IV would not work. Naturally, Leia would not want to be away from her troops and Resistance members even in her last hours. There is also the possibility that the scene just did not work in the final film, or it was easier to have everyone featured on the planet rather than in a cramped room on a ship. The final scene still works well and pays respect to Carrie Fisher in the best way possible. She is surrounded by almost the entire Resistance who she led nobly, bravely, and intelligently until her end. She gave her life to the Rebels and the Resistance, and it is wonderful to see all of those fighters standing by her side in death, paying their respects. When Maz says the words, “Good-bye, dear Princess,” there could scarcely be a more poetic ending for Carrie and Leia given the circumstances. The warm surrounding is also much more warm and respectful than alone, in space, with only a medical droid for company. Regardless, both Carrie Fisher and Princess Leia will be dearly missed.

May the Force be with you, dear Princess.


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