Joel Edgerton Admits He Has No Idea What The Plot Of The Obi-Wan Show Is


The last few years have definitely been turbulent in the world of Star Wars. We saw the release of the sequel trilogy, which caused a lot of division within the fandom, but we also got some new TV shows which have seemingly brought them back together. The first two seasons of The Mandalorian were a huge success, as was the final season of The Clone Wars. On top of this, we have a bunch of new shows going into production as well. Easily the most anticipated of which is the series focusing on Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.

It's been 16 years since Ewan McGregor played the iconic role in Revenge of the Sith, and fans loved his interpretation so much, they've pleaded for a TV show or movie focusing on the character with McGregor onboard ever since the final credits rolled. After years of nothing, it was finally announced a couple years ago that both he and Kenobi would be returning in the form of a show.

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The show is set to be absolutely huge, and we know actors from the past are returning to their own iconic roles, such as Hayden Christensen returning to play the role of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader.

This was obviously huge news as Christensen is often deemed to be underappreciated by fans, so this gives him a potential chance for redemption (much like his character). But one other actor returning to the galaxy far, far away is Joel Edgerton. However, he doesn't seem to know what's going to happen.

Edgerton first appeared in Attack of the Clones, playing a younger version of the character Owen Lars - the new stepbrother of Anakin Skywalker. Owen would go on to play an even bigger role in the saga by becoming the guardian of future Jedi, Luke Skywalker. At the end of Revenge of the Sith, Obi-Wan Kenobi takes the baby Luke to Tatooine and leaves him in the care of Owen and Beru.

Considering the new show is set to take place in the years between Episodes III and IV, it does make sense for Owen and Beru to appear, as Kenobi will no doubt be keeping a close eye on Luke. Owen and Beru will obviously know who Kenobi is, so it's completely feasible that Kenobi would possibly stop by every now and again. What's strange, though, is the fact Edgerton has stated he is "in the dark" about the actual plot of the show. Now, Lucasfilm and Disney are renowned for their secrecy to avoid spoilers, but it seems they've taken it a step even further by not telling members of the cast. In a recent interview with, Edgerton had this to say:

"I'm unable to discuss [the series] and potentially totally as in the dark as you are. We all know the universe of Star Wars is on serious lockdown. Part of the reason for that is that people don't want the stories too spoiled before they come out. The great thing about Star Wars fans are they are the creators of the next Star Wars universe and I think that whoever's creating these things are creating them with the fans in mind, knowing that they hold the keys to that universe. To deviate too far from what you might expect could mean death by lightsaber and yet, to not introduce surprises within that mix is death to creativity."

Now, as we mentioned previously, the world of Star Wars is synonymous with secrecy. It's completely possible Edgerton hasn't been told many plot details, but it's also very plausible his words are a red herring, and he knows more than he is letting on. Regardless, it's unlikely we are going to get much more information about the show until it is released in 2022.

What do you think? Is Joel Edgerton in the dark, or does he know more than he's letting on? Be sure to let us know what you believe.

Until next time!

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Source(s): Screen Rant

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